Increase Space between lines in a single part?

• Dec 10, 2015 - 02:05

I've noticed, while composing for band, that band parts have very wide spaces between the lines of music and Musescore has (relatively) close lines. I've been wondering if there is a way to increase the distance between the lines on a single part- not IN the staff, I mean between the staffs. Sort of like using the spacing option in a system of parts, except I would like to use it in a single part. Does that make sense?


See Style / General / Page, the minimum and maximum system distances. Increasing the minimum will force MuseScore to put fewer systems on the page; increasing the maxmum will MuseScore to spread the remaining system out more. Some trial and error may be involved in sorting out what is best given your particular page size and staff size and personal taste.

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