How do I enter two unison notes?

• Dec 10, 2015 - 03:08

I'm writing a tune for mandolin (guitar would be the same principle) whereby the high E string is a droning string, played with every beat, and the melody is on the second string. When the melody is in unison with the drone string (both are an E note) how can I write the two Unison E notes?


Or, if you want a visible (horizontally adjacent) unison in the same voice, consider it a prime: Set the first note, select it, add a second by Alt + 2, lower the new note by down-arrow.

(Repeating this will add notes, but they will stack on top of eachother, so for 4 in a row you will need to do that manually. (Double-click-select, left/right arrow (+ Shift/Crtl)).)

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