SoniMusicae Soundfonts

• Dec 13, 2015 - 03:52

Recently, someone kindly offered to give me a decompressed file of the Blanchet 1720 as I could do not so myself (I have a Mac.) SoniMusicae, the site where it came from, also has some other wonderful SoundFonts as well.
Here are the links:
If anybody would please be kind enough to decompress said files for me, I'd highly appreciate it.


These sounds are proprietary. No one would be able to legally decompress and upload these for you. These are compressed with SFPack or SFArk, aren't they? Why don't you get the software to decompress it, both softwares are completely free.

EDIT: My apologies, I just saw your older post on here about being unable to open SfArk on your Mac. I don't think anyone can post them for you still due to its proprietary nature.

In reply to by [DELETED] 597046

It does look to me as though it's destined to become abandonware, but how long it will be before one can regard it as such I don't know. The last development on these soundfonts was in 2008 which is 7 years ago.

One solution would be for you to use a Windows Virtual Machine on your Mac.

Virtual Box and VMWare are two solutions you could look at for Mac and of course there is always Boot Camp.

Windows 98SE is now regarded as abandonware and is of the sort of vintage when SfArk and SfPack were in their heyday - think internet access in terms of 16 kilobits per second, hard disks of 20MB and you will see why the idea was so popular!


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