Overlapping Articulations

• Dec 16, 2015 - 06:53

I'm not quite sure whether this would be a bug report or a feature request, but right now, when you put two different articulations on the same note, the last on put on overrides the other articulations in playback. This makes sense for something like, staccato plus staccatissimo, but becomes incredibly frustrating for, say, sforzato and staccatissimo (something which occurs quite frequently in music). This is doubly frustrating since both articulations are modifying two different aspects of playback- the sforzato alters volume, the staccatissimo length. Would there be any way of creating a sort of structure as to how they wind up input into the actual playback, so that rather than playing the last articulation put onto a note, they follow a hierarchy of this order:

1st: apply length-altering articulations (staccato, staccatissimo)
2nd: apply ornaments (mordent, prall, trill)
3rd: apply volume-altering articulations (sforzato, marcato)

and then only have the "last-put-in override" apply to each particular group? I know, this is a lot to ask, but the playback frustrations are incredibly irritating.

As for an example that would demonstrate the need for something like this, here's the Fantasia Baetica by Manuel de Falla.



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