Creating a score and turning off alll the automatic things

• Dec 16, 2015 - 23:51

I'm trying to transcribe some sheet music into a document in Musescore.

I'm trying to edit notes in the score,, including adding beams, notes and things and Musescore is just not playing ball.

I can't add a beam (tried all the help), I can't add a note without Musescore adding rests where I don't want them, and I can't go back and fix mistakes with notes without Musescore either ignoring me, adding a note of the length I don't want (I have the right note selected) or adding rests everywhere.

Help Please!!!


Welcome aboard! It's kind of hard to guess what problems you're having, but you might be able to figure things out a lot easier if you take advantage of some of the learning resources that are available. For a start, when you first open MuseScore you should have the option to work with a tutorial score called "Getting Started." Additionally, the tutorial videos at make working with MuseScore much easier.

In reply to by Isaac Weiss

Hi, thanks for this.
I'm trying to change something in a score. I have 2 notes that I want a beam between. Musescore didn't put a beam in the first place.

I've tried selecting the notes and selecting the beam on the master palette which did nothing. I tried right-clicking on 1 note, then the other, then both together and selecting beam properties and I can't change anything there. Please can you tell me how to put a beam between 2 notes.

In reply to by rnwebb

Hmm. Do you know the difference between a quarter note and an eighth note? You might be trying to add a beam between two quarter notes. Try this:

1. Start with a new, blank score.
2. Press [N], then [4].
3. Enter two notes in a row.

They should be beamed together now. If not, could you attach the MSCZ file here, along with a picture of what you're trying to achieve?

In reply to by LuuBluum

they are quarter notes, but I'm transcribing from a piece of existing music and on the original, the 2 notes have a beam...

If it doesn't make sense for MuseScore to do it automatically, how can I do it manually? I try to click on the Beam properties and change it for the notes in question (either 1 or 2 together) and Musescore does nothing.

In reply to by rnwebb

Have you accounted for the pickup measure when you first created the score? (That's the very first measure containing only one beat - with 2 eighth notes.)
If you need to create a pickup after the score is already created, see:

Now, to enter the first few beats:
1. Click on the rest (or note) in the first - the pickup - measure to select it. (Turns blue)
2. Enter N (for note entry mode), then 4 (which selects the quarter note icon in the note selection toolbar).
3. Enter the letters F F E D to enter the first four eighth notes. (Beams are added automatically and the letter names of notes can be entered successively until a note duration changes.)
4. Now the note duration changes, so enter 6 followed by a . (period) -- for the dotted half note.
5. Enter C

Continue on, remembering that typing 0 (zero) enters a rest (of the selected duration).
Also, Ctrl + up arrow raises an entered note one octave. Ctrl + down arrow lowers it.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

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