Importing MIDI - MuseScore regularly misinterprets which notes belong to which clef

• Dec 17, 2015 - 05:44

I'm trying to use MuseScore to convert my MIDI piano track to a score, but I keep running into trouble. It's producing unplayable gibberish.

On import, I select human playing, quantize settings etc that aim to simplify the score as much as possible. But the bass and treble clef notes are getting mixed up routinely. e.g. There are notes that are assigned a bass clef brace, and grouped with other notes in the bass clef, but they are up in the treble register. And vice versa. This makes the bars look unreadable.

Here's an example image

What's going on and how can I fix this?


There is little we can tell from an image - we'ld need you to post the actual MIDI file you are having problems with. If it was created by simply playing a keybaord with both hands, keep in mind that MIDI has no way of recording which hand played which note, so there is in fact no "correct" way of determining this. It's just guesswork, and yes, in almost all cases, you'd have to edit it later.

In reply to by Nocturnalist

It is best if the MIDI file contains separate tracks for the separate staves. if this is the case, then MuseScore simply honors this. But if all notes are mixed onto one staff, then MuseScore has to guess how you might want the noters divided up into staves, and no, it isn't necessarily a simple pitch split, because it tries to figure out what is actually playable, also tries to optimzie use of voices, etc. In general, if you have specific ideas of which notes should be in which staff, you should structure your MIDI file that way in the first place (eg, record the staves separately). In general, attempting to record both hands of a piano piece onto a single track is just not likely to produce good results - there is too much guesswork involved.

In reply to by Nocturnalist

More precisely, there is nothing in the MIDI file to tell "this note is in the treble staff" and this note is in the bass staff. MuseScore has to guess.
I can't download your MIDI file to test but I guess Marc is right, you need to split the MIDI file in two tracks before importing.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

>> More precisely, there is nothing in the MIDI file to tell "this note is in the treble staff" and this note is in the bass staff.

Well, there is SOMETHING. The pitch. It's a pretty simple option that MuseScore is already using on some level to assign the notes in the first place.

In reply to by Nocturnalist

But not *just* pitch. Simple pitch splits generally produce very bad results. The actual algorithm is more sophisticated and works pretty well in many case, but no computer guessing algorithm can ever really know what is best. That is is why it is better to not make MuseScore guess, and instead prepare the MIDI file with separate tracks. Or- far better and more efficient - simply enter the music directly into MuseScore rather than rely on MIDI import, which necessarily always involves a ton of guessing.

You *can*, however, force MuseScore to do a naive pitch split by importing the file, then unchecking the "Split staff" option in the import window, and hitting "Apply" (this forces everything to one staff, which is what the file actually contains), then right clicking the staff and choosing "Split staff" which does a more naive pitch split. Results will still be far from ideal, but it will give you the pitch split you asked for.

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