
• Dec 18, 2015 - 06:30

Me gustaría poder hacer repeticiones; como las de la foto, en un compás con notas y el símbolo llamado en el programa (Signo de Repetición de Compás)

Attachment Size
IMG_20151218_032538.jpg 957.04 KB


1) Press "Z" -> Symbols (list bottom) -> in the search box, type " Repeats"
2) Drag and drop this symbol in a palette for reuse.
3) Into the involved measure (where you want putting this symbol), select the rest (better if before, you made it invisible, with "V" key, or in Inspector/F8) -> double-click on this added repeat symbol into the palette.


EDIT: if you want that the playback is not affected, add the same initial notes in Voice 2, then make invisible these notes (Voice 2)
Result in this file (second system), with added pentagrams as you wished (in your other message): repeat etc.mscz
Finally, for hide completely the invisible notes/rests on your score -> View -> Untick "Show invisible"

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