How to switch the bass and treble staff positions to their regular positions? (including their notes and so on)

• Dec 20, 2015 - 18:13

Example picture included. How do i make it so that the staffs positions are are in their common positions? (with all the notation remaining intact) So that i can put it into the regular piano ensemble for practice.

(Also, is there an easy way to like, box-select a group of notes, barlines, etc and easily move them around the score?)


Looks like you're importing a MIDI file with something weird about it. You could just use the arrow buttons at the top of the MIDI import panel to switch the order, but they're supposed to be part of one instrument. So I would press [i], add a new piano, then copy and paste the respective staves into the new instrument. Then delete the two original staves.

(Also, copy and paste is the answer here as well.)

No need to drag and drop or copy and paste or anything of the sort. Just press "I" to display the instruments dialog, click the bottom staff, press the Up button (or click top and press Down).

Copy and paste is also extremely easy, fwiw, and uses all the standard selection methods and shortcuts as most other computer programs. Eg, click one measure, Shift+click another to select the range, Ctrl+A to select all, Shift+Right to select the next note (similar to next character in a text editor), Shift+Ctrl+Right to select next measure (similar to next word in a text editor), etc. Then Ctrl+X to cut, Ctrl+V to paste, which is almost always easier than drag and drop.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Indeed, you could switch the staves in the Instruments dialog, or as I said "You could just use the arrow buttons at the top of the MIDI import panel to switch the order." But look at the screenshot again—it's two separate one-staff "Piano" instruments, and there's no way to get that to behave as well as one.

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