Semibreve and quavers in a bar

• Dec 28, 2015 - 14:55


I am attempting to produce a score from an excellent youtube tutorial on Imagine by John Lennon for piano (

The first part of the score for bass clef, uses two Cs. The opening note is a C, which is then kept pressed for rest of the bar, the rest of the bar is made up of rests and the C that is an octave higher.

As I am new to piano and music (8 lessons in), I asked a colleague how to write that on a score - I have attached his answer below.

So my question is, how do I use musescore to do this? If I try and add a semibreve to a bar with quavers it replaces all the quavers with a semibreve.

As an aside, in my score I am writing as if playing off middle C, but I have added notes to play an octave down just to make my life easier!

Any help would be appreciated

Attachment Size
Imagine left hand.png 5.86 KB


In reply to by gony

Well, actually, the 8 below the bass clef is *not* normally used for piano music. Only a couple of instruments like the contrabass So it should *not* be used here - if you do, everything will sound an octave off. Also, not to nit pick, but since we are critiquing, the flags on the eighth notes are backwards :-)

EDIT: Geez, what is it today with the simultaneous replies?! :-)

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