Could someone help me with the vsts on musesocre?

• Jan 1, 2016 - 20:23

I'd like to add vsti's sounds on musescore, but I don't really know how can I do it! I've already downloaded the jack connection kit, I've already installed .. But anything happens ... Im using Window 10 and I've a miniHost to run the kontakt .. but Im getting some troubles with .. I'm a few lost .. Help me please if you might!



Have you configured JACK correctly?

If you followed the instructions for Windows users on the website, then that will not be the case.

This link is to the first of a series of Videos I'm preparing on the use of JACK with MuseScore, which shows you how to configure it.

The Video is currently uploading so I would give it and hour or so before you try to access it.

I hope that will get you going - if not, come back here and I'll try to help further.

PS Please note this is a devleopment version of this video. Content may be different in the final version.

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

1/ is the jackrouter registration required? If yes, it sounds like a bug since you downloaded jack 64bit, is the bug filed to Jack?

2/ It might be good why one would want to have Jack as a server, and a sentence about audio/midi routing

3/ When entering the jackd options, maybe explain what each one is for?

4/ When checking that MuseScore is in the Audio and MIDI tab of Jack. Explain again what happens. For example, when playing Frère Jacques, the internal synth of MuseScore is used to generate audio, then audio is passed to jack and then to the system (via portaudio). The MIDI connection is not used now but will be used for VSTs. I feel it's more interesting than listening to Frère Jacques in extenso.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Thank you for these suggestions Lasconic :)

1. By default the JACK installation process installs the 32 bit dll even on a 64 bit system. The JACK team know about this, but last I heard haven't yet worked out a way to tell the installer to install the 64 bit version on a 64 bit system. That was before Christmas though, and I haven't checked the mailling list since.

2. Yes indeed, I will think something up.

3. I am actually still learning what they all do myself, but yes, that would be a good idea.

4. Indeed, that was one area of the video which I was the least happy about, and your suggestion to improve it here is good.

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