How to transcribe this in musescore ?

• Jan 11, 2016 - 19:36

Kindly help me telling on how to transcribe these notations as shown in the image file.
Time signature 3/4.

file attached.

Attachment Size
IMG_20160112_010131_480.jpg 492.34 KB


What specifically are you having problems with? See the Handbook under "Note input" for basic information on how to enter notes. To enter the 8va, see the section on Lines. To enter the big parenthesis, see the section on Text (I'd use Staff Text - Ctrl+T - then size & position it manually).

EDIT: ah, I miscounted the number of beats. Yes, you would probably want to use grace notes - the "after" versions - to do the sixteenths. That or multiple voices.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you so much.
I could able to enter the notes , but Musescore didn't play them..that's absolutely fine with me.
I'm trying to teach piano myself. I write the notes from casio song book to Musescore , hear them , remember the tune and passes and play them on a keyboard.Sort of reverse engineering.Music terms , symbols are really new to me. Forums ,guess it's the right place to be, Thank you once again Marc Sabatella :)

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