reset text to style button does not work with dynamics in inspector

• Jan 12, 2016 - 11:17

Windows version 2.02

empty score

1) Enter a note
2) Add a dynamic to this note i.e. p
3) Modify size of p or anything else in context menu
4) Press "reset to style" button in inspector

Nothing happens!

This command "reset to style" works correctly in the context menu.

Nevertheless musescore works great for me. Great work!!




Confirmed. Works for other text, but not dynamics. Can you file this as an official bug report to the issue tracker? Use the link at right of this page, or "Help / Report a Bug" from withn MuseScore.

In reply to by zahilb

This forum is a good place to post initially to discuss a problem to be sure it really is a bug, and that it isn't already fixed in the nightly builds. But once it is confirmed, then it should be posted to the issue tracker. So you did everything right :-)

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