Linear pedal markings

• Feb 20, 2011 - 20:36

I have been unable to find this subject in prior posts. I have yet to find a feature in MuseScore which allows this. Some may find this useful.

I have found a free text font which has characters allowing you to indicate piano pedal marks using lines instead of the traditional Ped. and * characters. They include pedal down (L-shaped), pedal up/down (inverted V) and pedal up (backward L), plus an extender line. Of course, since these are text characters, they have no effect on playback.

(see attachment)

It is called “DVMarticulations” and can be downloaded from

Attachment Size
Linear pedal markings.mscz 1.84 KB


It occurred to me that no one could see the example properly who had not already downloaded and installed the font I mentioned.

So I am attaching a .PDF file for viewing the final results.

By the way, for those who prefer, the text can be changed to Bold to make the pedal markings more prominent.

Attachment Size
Linear%20pedal%20markings[1].pdf 13.92 KB

In reply to by David Bolton

I did not add the "%20" to the file name.

I created the PDF file in MuseScore in the usual way using "Save As." I did not notice if it added the extra characters.

I just duplicated my efforts again on my computer. The file name did not have any extra characters. Of course, the extension was changed to ".pdf" but no other changes were made to the file name.

Hope this is of use.

In reply to by Bill Watkins

FWIW, %20 is the ASCII representation of the space character (in hexadecimal - base 16). Many browsers will automatically convert spaces to %20 when uploading / downloading files with spaces in their names, because on a lot of older systems, spaces in filenames were not allowed or would cause problems. And even today, while spaces are normally OK in filenames, and the translation between space and %20 is normally handled automatically by browsers, it's not foolproof. So it's still generally a good idea not to include spaces in filenames you intend to share online.

Hello Mr Watkins

Thanks for this post - it really made matters simple for me. Even though this is not a solution, your method fixes the issue reasonably well.

In order to help the next newbie that comes across this post and/ or issue, I'm attaching pictures that list the steps I took to successfully generate linear pedal markings.


Step 1: see "installFonts_windows.png" installFonts_windows.PNG

Step 2: see "pedalUp_linearPedalMarkings.png" (instructions in blue; output in green) pedalUp_linearPedalMarkings.PNG

Attachment Size
installFonts_windows.PNG 12.06 KB
pedalUp_linearPedalMarkings.PNG 53.68 KB

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