Delete PDF file

• Jan 15, 2016 - 14:53
Reported version
S5 - Suggestion

Excusez-moi, ici une nécessité de supprimer, Je veux supprimer déjà en PDF fichée, avoir un autre moyen de restaurer ?


Did you really intend to file a Feature Request against the documentation of
This plugin is for 1.x and won't work for 2.0.

Here's what Google Translate made out of your French text:
Excuse me, here need to eliminate , I already want to delete a PDF file , be another way to restore ?

Doesn't make much sense to me though, so please clarify.

Jojo, his French isn't clear at all; I doubt it's his first language. The best I can make of it is, "I need to delete [something]; [what I want] to delete is already in PDF format. [I would like] to have another way to restore [??]."

Best guess? He wants to revise a score he's already exported as a PDF, but thinks he needs to import the PDF back to Musescore format (indicated by his later reference to the // page) to do that.

If that is indeed the problem, I'd tell him that all he needs to do is revise his original file and then export that as a new PDF.

There's no indication he really meant to put this in the 'Convert Scores into Plugins' category; I think that might be a slip of the mouse....

I will reply to him in French, as my Hebrew is essentially non-existent, and his English seems weaker than his French. Although you might try him in Plattdeutsch, which is remarkably similar to Yiddish. ;o)

Si vous avez besoin de reviser une partition que vous avez déjà converti en fichier PDF, la façon de proceder est de modifier votre fichier original Musescore, sauvegarder les modifications, et ensuite exporter ce fichier de nouveau en format PDF.


soyez façon parfaite supprimer ce fichier PDF? pardon, parler anglais est mal des rendre la justice, sans d'poursuivi un peu de substitut n' ont Sentence !

Lorsque vous enregistrez un fichier avec un nom nouveau, ça n'affect pas les fichiers déjà existante. Alors, si vous modifiez votre partition d'origin en format MuseScore (.mcsz) et ensuite l'exporter comme fichier PDF, vous avez le choix de l'enregistrer avec un nom du fichier unique.

Si, par contre, vous enregistrez le fichier modifié sous le même nom que l'ancien fichier PDF, ça va effacer et remplacer l'ancien fichier. Alors, si vous voulez garder tous vos fichiers comme temoins de vos modifications, utilisez des noms uniques pour chaque nouveau version.

Admin Jojo-Schmitz. Thomas R. could delete this , I haven't mind How to way manner also alternate pick up the File and recent whole, Unstil I can't using Web source delete .pdf speech on present, delete this discuss report, maybe I am cheerful, I wish in result recount to see, Please report to remove here, hoped holy

Title delete at before convert pdf. Delete PDF file
Status (old) closed needs info


I nid to delete an imported and converted pdf files stored on the musescore WEB page.

Status (old) needs info closed

Please don't highjack a dlose issue, use the forum or, even better, read the FAQ on
Hmm, I think you can't delete these files from the psf converter. Might be worth opening a new issue for this. Or email