Newbie question: Adding pages to score

• Jan 15, 2016 - 23:29

MuseScore opens with one sheet/page. How do I add sheets/pages? I can't figure out the "page break" icon on the palette. I drag it to the inside of the last measure of a page, as directed, the little blue icon appears above that measure--but the next page doesn't appear. I image composers write more than one page of music occasionally . . . I'm just not seein' it. Either I'm overlooking the obvious, or I'm not MuseScore intuitive.


Also be advised that on an empty one sheet/page, all measures are initially filled with whole rests - which don't take up much space - so lots of measures can fit on a single line (and page).

As you enter notes/chords/rests, the measures will 'automatically' expand to make room. As a result, some measures may get bumped onto the next line -- or even onto a new page if necessary.
Once your score is entered, you can tweak the 'automatic' layout to your particular preference by placing line/page breaks where desired, and/or even stretching/shrinking measures.

Regards, and welcome aboard.

Another way of putting it:

The page break says, "start a new page with the next measure after this one". If there are no more measures after this one, there will be no next page.

In general, you wouldn't ever need to add page breaks manually though. Just like you don't normally ever need to add them in a word processor. In a word processor, you add words, and the program automatically figures out where to put page breaks. Same in MuseScore - add measures, and the program automatically figures out where to put the page breaks. Add / Measures or Ctrl+B is how you add measures.

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