Switching existing staves to a grand staff

• Jan 17, 2016 - 14:17

Musescore 2.0.2. revision f51dc11on Windows 7

This is not a MuseScore fault: it's a basic error by me during typesetting in MuseScore.

Through inexperience I failed to set the instrumentation as "grand staff". And the same problem affects all four movements of this piano work. I have tried to reset the two staves to grand staff using "Edit > Instruments", but I can't find a way to do it. See the screen shot.

Attached is the first movement with this problem. Any advice?



In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you! But I cannot yet reproduce your steps.

This is what I did:
1. Use "Edit > Instruments" to add a new piano part (Grand Staff).
2. Copy and paste the contents of the treble clef stave to the upper piano stave.
3. Copy and paste the contents of the bass clef stave to the lower piano stave.
4. Use "Edit > Instruments" to attempt deletion of the unwanted staves - but the "Remove" button is disabled for those staves. However, "Remove" is enabled for the new piano stave.
5. Delete contents of unwanted staves, use "Edit > Instruments" to attempt deletion of the unwanted empty staves. But the "Remove" button is still disabled.
6. Use "Edit > Instruments" to move the new piano stave to the top. Again attempt to remove the unwanted empty staves: but the "Remove" button is still disabled.

Obviously I am missing a step. Can you guide me? Attached is the score involved.

Attachment Size
Suite_for_Pianoforte_mvmt_1_copied.mscz 30.1 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Thanks: I had already tried to name these unnamed staves as an instrument, but I can't manage to open "Stave Properties...". Nor can I find a way to assign an instrument name in "Edit > Instruments".

But Shoichi obviously managed to delete the unwanted staves. What's the missing step?

[EDIT] ... I managed the final step: obviously I was clicking in the wrong place to get "Stave Properties...". Unwanted staves were renamed as an instrument and successfully removed.
Thanks to both!

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