Repeat playback problem

• Jan 26, 2016 - 15:45

The repeats in the attached file are playing back incorrectly.


Expected playback: 1–2 (x3), 1, 3.
Actual playback: 1–2 (x3), 3.

Attachment Size
repeats_incorrect.mscz 7.57 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This sure is the case. And a common sourcew of confusion: is one repeat pleaying it twice, or once?
Un MuseScore it is once, so if you want it to Play twice, repeat cound Needs to be 2. And this is totally independant of voltas, to add to the confusion.
the number of repeats should really be a proerty of the end repeat bar rather than of the measure that bar belongs to

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Having the number of repeats becoming a property of the barline would lessen the confusion about this.
@Marc, is there a specific reason to have it on the last measure (compatibility stuff with other formats, standardization, …) or can we file this as a minor feature request?

Score didn't open in 2.0.2, I used yesterdays nightly for it.

Increase the number of repeats on your measure to 4. It should be one higher than what your volta indicates.
The number of repeats in that measure setting is not 'how many times is this measure played', but rather 'how many times should the whole start-to-end-repeat-section be played'.

Also note that in the Volta Properties for volta '4' the repeat list is actually just 1, as it is the first time this measure is played.
Given that more measures still follow, you might want to consider using an open volta for the second one. This can be easily changed using the Inspector

Corrected version attached.

Attachment Size
repeats_incorrect_corrected.mscz 7.58 KB

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