Help please - 1.0 not working properly

• Mar 14, 2011 - 10:48

I downloaded the new version and and unable to enter rests. Entering notes works but when I press the space bar nothing happens. ?


The default behavior of the space bar was changed to be more consistent with most other music applications - it starts playback. The default shortcut for rest is now 0. You can, as always, customize your shortcuts via Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts

In reply to by ozcaveman

To MuseScore forum responders:

I just added the information to the Release notes for MuseScore 1.0 , "Important information for people upgrading".

I encourage you to link to the release notes for future occasions. Hopefully having the answer in a central location will help keep our sanity (we no longer need to repeat ourselves), and make it easier for us to improve the answer if needed (we only need to improve one answer not every answer across the forum).

Since the release notes is a fairly long page, you might also consider mentioning the specific section (similar to my opening sentence). If you are unfamiliar with how to create links in forum posts using square brackets, see the bottom of the Content tips page.

Thank you for all to do to help people using MuseScore.

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