Non-MuseScore orchestration question

• Feb 11, 2016 - 21:38

I searched, but couldn't come up with anything on this (not even on websites that specialize in violins):

I came across "sulla II. corda" in the violin staff of a piece I am entering in MuseScore. It's followed by a dotted line that goes across the next two measures. Any ideas what it means? Please help this poor singer/keyboard/brass player who is very weak on the basics of the string section.


Probably "on the second string"—though I'm not sure which direction that's counting from. It would be more common to say "sul A" or "sul D", naming the specific string.

Yup Zack has it right.

Normally stringed instruments count the strings from the highest to the lowest so the 2nd string here would be the A string.

If you could post an image of the context, I can probably ascertain this, as I used to play violin in a previous life :)

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Thanks, that is a very kind offer.
Attached is a pdf of the score page with the section, and also my engraving of the piece (see page 4 for my attempt to recreate the section we're talking about).

I seem to recall a discussion where you mentioned using a creative commons license for some public domain work that you've put into MuseScore. Would you mind sending a sample? I'm creating a library of opera pieces that I intend to post in for students & educators to use, and while I think I understand all the requirements for using the license, it's possible that I don't.

Again, thank you,

Attachment Size
Tosca- Vissi d'arte.mscz 42.64 KB
page from Tosca- Vissi d'arte.pdf 108.95 KB

In reply to by marty strasinger

Asking copyright advice online is a really bad idea. You don't know who is answering nor what they know. I won't answer your question and I make my living dealing with Copyright. The Creative Commons license is probably the least understood aspect of the music business.

There are good books that deal with the subject of Copyright and the music business written by attorneys. The Passman is more recent than the Brabec. The one by Mark Halloran is way too old to recommend anymore (as far as we know, we're at best distant relations).

All You Need to Know About the Music Business: Ninth Edition Hardcover by Donald S. Passman

Music Money and Success 7th Edition: The Insider's Guide to Making Money in the Music Business Paperback by Jeffrey Brabec (Author) , Todd Brabec (Author)

Both are available in Kindle edition as well.

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