More than 2 voices on a staff and

• Feb 25, 2016 - 11:17

Question 1:
I have tried to use Musescore to write so it looks like the attached image example.jpg
It is three voices on a piano system and I have not succeded to write the middle voice so that some notes are written on the upper staff and some on the lower, to indicate which hand to use.

Question 2:
Is it possible to have more than two voices on a staff, or is two on the upper staff and two on the lower staff maximum. If you e.g. write a fugue, more than two on a staff could be useful and also if the voices could move freely between the upper and lower staffs of the system.

Question 3:
Is it possible to insert a treble clef on the lower staff like in bar two on the lower staff in the attached example image? It seem that the clefs only want to be immediately to the left of a barline.

I am new to Musescore and think it is a great program. Maybe I just don´t know how to do these things.


In answer to your questions:

1. You can do this - you'll need cross-staff beaming: see - See my attached example below.

2. Yes; up to 4 voices are available per-staff (i.e. 4 on the upper stave and another 4 on the lower in your example. See, but you don't need them to recreate your example (I used only one voice in the upper staff and two voices in the lower)

3. Yes, it's possible. Again, see my attached example below.

Attachment Size
Example.mscz 8.06 KB

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