Git Message

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue import capella score (.capx) crashes newest version of musescore Derk van der Veen 19 11 months ago
Issue Save Online via command line shoogle 13 1 year ago
Issue L-shaped sign for hand distribution (piano) guifre 13 1 year ago
Issue Add custom / combined barline style wieczorek1990 16 1 year ago
Issue [MusicXML export] invalid XML export: direction-type is missing child element Leon Vinken 33 1 year ago
Issue Slur and phrase end notes should play at 90% length StarBrilliant 39 1 year ago
Issue Chord symbols with a bass extension don't export to MusicXML correctly (nor import back) Chris Robin 2 31 1 year ago
Issue command line mode should not require X server kovianyo 26 1 year ago
Issue ctrl + scrollwheel zooms in and out by a factor of 1600% every scroll wheel tick Minerscale 46 1 year ago
Issue [Forum] Make 'Delete' and 'List' radio buttons when managing attachments in a post chen lung 3 1 year ago
Issue Half duration shortcut crashes musescore when time signature is 5/4 jataria 19 1 year ago
Issue [MusicXML] Export missing instrument-sound tag lucatoldo 16 1 year ago
Issue OMR of Score is not cloned PeterDS 5 1 year ago
Issue Note Names plugin not translated Jojo-Schmitz 7 1 year ago
Issue Adding new SMuFL glyphs to MuseScore notehead library. ugehrig 19 1 year ago
Issue [MusicXML] Tempo marking with decimal not handled correctly chen lung 6 1 year ago
Issue [MusicXML export] decimals in metronome markings get separated Klaus Rettinghaus 20 1 year ago
Issue MusicXML import: G-Clef 15ma bassa imports as G-Clef talshiar 14 1 year ago
Issue Request for Time Signature Size Increase dylanfixmermu 8 1 year ago
Issue Note-anchored line crashes MuseScore on saving scottmanson07 9 1 year ago
Issue old style multimeasure rests Wiering 60 1 year ago
Issue Key signatures displayed incorrectly after clef change Marc Sabatella 20 1 year ago
Issue Pitch bend sounds incorrectly when export to MIDI graphemecluster 13 1 year ago
Issue Banjo Fifth String laturetab 28 1 year ago
Issue Add 7-string guitar and Cavaquinho (4-strings guitar) Lucas Madi 13 1 year ago