Git Message

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue System line disappears with top instrument mike320 6 3 years ago
Issue Lines: when end handles are adjusted with keyboard arrows, anchor point also shifts geetar 16 3 years ago
Issue Element offset does not resume responding to style changes after reset from manual adjustment Marc Sabatella 4 3 years ago
Issue Dragging dynamics symbols from an empty measure into a multimeasure rest shuts down the program. music_by_jeff 17 3 years ago
Issue Inconsistent stem direction for two-note beamed group on middle line Marc Sabatella 4 3 years ago
Issue Check box "Show MIDI controls in mixer" in Preferences/Score page has no effect ciospe 10 3 years ago
Issue Erroneous duplicate check (actually 4 times) of an identical condition maddin200 11 3 years ago
Issue 3.6 export file names contain spaces and useless junk. [DELETED] 1831606 11 3 years ago
Issue Buttons are backwards on Apply new Styles dialog on Windows. mike320 13 3 years ago
Issue Not all text visible in Format > Style > Score and Page settings dialog in 3.6 Beta Henk De Groot 12 3 years ago
Issue Identical condition checked twice maddin200 7 3 years ago
Issue Format > Style window is too large geetar 53 3 years ago
Issue Duplicate check of identical expression maddin200 11 3 years ago
Issue setting color of stem/hook/beam/stemSlash in plugins no more working marlovitsh 16 3 years ago
Issue In Preferences -> Import : Action of Checkbox 'Always suggest to apply improvements...' is inversed JLWaltener 8 3 years ago
Issue Add shortcut for Synalepha jeetee 36 3 years ago
Issue Piano roll editor: adjustment issues, including crash geetar 26 3 years ago
Issue Cutaway staves - better handling of clefs, barlines and brackets (suggestion) PhilTA 22 3 years ago
Issue No kerning for MuseJazzText font due to lost SFD file mirabilos 20 3 years ago
Issue MusicXML import should honor "measure-style/slash" infojunkie 7 3 years ago
Issue Long instrument names appear in first system after vertical frame Quoc Dong 11 3 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] Breath after rests not exported h380108184 6 3 years ago
Issue Some dialogs (under MacOS) have the Cancel and OK buttons reversed, right to left. scorster 6 3 years ago
Issue Stems too short on chords outside staff Marc Sabatella 4 3 years ago
Issue Loading a PDF causes crash ilm 16 3 years ago