
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue MuseJazz text messed up on import 2.x => 3.0 Louis Cloete 31 4 years ago
Issue Implement collision avoidance between rests and notes/rests in other voices tobik 18 4 years ago
Issue Soundfont Folder window not On Top chen lung 4 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.5 Alpha Anatoly-os 71 4 years ago
Issue Phantom notes [DELETED] 29378932 12 4 years ago
Issue Glissandos not centered in the Arpeggions & Glissandos palette Jojo-Schmitz 13 4 years ago
Issue Long download time Sunny2019 17 4 years ago
Issue Inconsistent octave selection in note input mode mike320 43 4 years ago
Issue Reset Positions dialog opens before score is visible, for imported 2.x scores. geetar 16 4 years ago
Forum topic Can't export mp3 on OS X 10.15 using MuseScore 3.5.0 cwade 3 4 years ago
Issue Piano Roll Editor: No boundary check on "Velocity" and "Length" neGjodsbol 3 4 years ago
Issue Subdividing quarter note into 33-let corrupts the measure unless it is the last beat of the measure Okoyos 6 4 years ago
Issue issue closing score lullynix 2 4 years ago
Issue Crash on attempting to playback or rewind score. geetar 8 4 years ago
Forum topic 3.5 Alpha Shoichi 16 4 years ago
Service Martin Cohen Anatoly-os 0 4 years ago
Service Victoria Williams Anatoly-os 0 4 years ago
Issue support percent values to set the tempo Bacchushlg 11 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.4 Beta Release Anatoly-os 84 4 years ago
Issue Tuplets: bracket max. slope values are out by a factor of 10 Jojo-Schmitz 5 4 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.3 Release Anatoly-os 105 4 years ago
Issue Changing clef with courtesy disabled changes courtesy but not main clef kuwitt 12 4 years ago
Issue Loop playback doesn't count rests at end of final measure frangokastello 20 4 years ago
Forum topic How long does it take for a new plugin to be approved? markshepherd 5 4 years ago
Issue Support for entering 256th, 512th and 1024th notes/rests Artofmusicprod… 24 4 years ago