
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Crash with (some) symbols in tempo indications Miwarre 4 14 years ago
Forum topic ow to use Slur with Acciacatura windzoul 5 14 years ago
Forum topic 0.9.6 RC1 "might not have installed correctly" David Bolton 4 14 years ago
Forum topic Mscore crash when opening existing mscz file Daeavelwyn 13 14 years ago
Issue Crash on Windows if an image is inserted from a not system disk [DELETED] 5 2 14 years ago
Forum topic Musescore site no longer sends mails.... robert leleu 13 14 years ago
Issue Mid-measure clef placed too close to note, collides with accidental Ilja Sekler 18 14 years ago
Issue Add symbols johngreth 6 14 years ago
Issue Left arrow key during playback craig 3 14 years ago
Issue Change instrument doesn't preserve concert pitches (0.9.6) David Bolton 4 14 years ago
Issue Change instrument changes transposition incorrectly (0.9.6) David Bolton 3 14 years ago
Issue MIDI Keyboard Transport (Remote Control) not working jhaury 4 14 years ago
Issue Parenthesized accidentals not played back (0.9.6 regression) David Bolton 7 14 years ago
Issue Customized beam does not persist after save [DELETED] 5 2 14 years ago
Issue Frames crash multi-measure rests David Bolton 2 14 years ago
Issue Crash with frames and two lines score [DELETED] 5 3 14 years ago
Issue Drum notation not working with customized palette David Bolton 3 14 years ago
Issue Font resize not immediate (0.9.6 regression) David Bolton 7 14 years ago
Issue play state is not updated close a playing file vanferry 3 14 years ago
Issue Orphaned highlighting during playback craig 4 14 years ago
Issue MusicXML import of "none" text for <bar-style> element is ignored. craig 5 14 years ago
Issue First note entered is ignored if no duration selected [DELETED] 5 5 14 years ago
Issue The offsets of tempo changes get calculated without regard to repeats when exporting midi files wdecay 3 14 years ago
Issue Multi-measure rest number does not resize with scaling David Bolton 6 14 years ago
Issue Corrupted custom beam depending on the platform [DELETED] 5 6 14 years ago