
Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Forum topic Persistent misalignement at the bottom (MS 3.0.5) fmiyara 5 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: allow multiple barrés geetar 1 5 years ago
Issue All glissandos in imported 2.x score have disappeared (restored by save and reload) geetar 6 5 years ago
Issue Grace note glissando (at start of imported 2.x score) disappears geetar 5 5 years ago
Issue Arpeggios: user-modified height cannot be reset to the default geetar 8 5 years ago
Issue Copy&Paste Fretboard diagram’s number is mirrored. kazuma yamamoto 6 5 years ago
Issue The ability to draw partial barre is missing for fretboard diagrams cadiz1 8 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barre lost on copying; and when saving to workspace geetar 8 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: remove some "Set as style" buttons geetar 4 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: Barré property is redundant geetar 7 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: symbols on top of diagram, and position number do not resize when scaling is changed geetar 4 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barré applied wrongly if there is another dot already at same position geetar 4 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barré deleted when separate dot is added afterwards at same position geetar 4 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard diagrams: barré deleted when you add a dot at another position geetar 4 5 years ago
Issue Fretboard Diagrams: open string symbol persists even when a finger dot is applied vic401947 8 5 years ago
Issue Text line wrongly applied when a repeat barline follows geetar 1 5 years ago
Issue Allow all fingerings to be moved onto the staff geetar 2 5 years ago
Issue Dynamics: velocity change spinner not working properly geetar 10 5 years ago
Issue String numbers: vertical placement too high above the staff geetar 8 5 years ago
Issue Ottavas: customised text reverts to default in imported 2.x files geetar 1 5 years ago
Issue Ottava hooks using wrong default hook when flipped to opposite side of staff geetar 1 5 years ago
Issue Deleted geetar 0 5 years ago
Issue Ottavas: "Line properties…" displays the wrong value for font-size geetar 9 5 years ago
Issue 8va text reverts to default 12 when other "line properties" are changed geetar 7 5 years ago
Forum topic Allow a less invasive and dockable mixer interface fmiyara 6 5 years ago