chen lung

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Stave Text imported in 1.3 score imported from MusicXML appears at top instrument chen lung 13 9 years ago
Forum topic Some channels not exported to MIDI? chen lung 8 9 years ago
Issue Tremolo channel not exported to audio chen lung 1 9 years ago
Issue Crash when dragging object over bar and then frame chen lung 6 9 years ago
Issue Exporting MusicXML causes crash chen lung 6 9 years ago
Issue Instrument Sound changes every time another score is opened chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue accidentals mess up while transposing aeLiXihr 13 9 years ago
Issue Markup tags displaying in instrument names phil.pollard 2 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] Normal and underline Stave and System Text exports as italic chen lung 6 9 years ago
Issue Rest wrongly positioned after undoing Exchange Voices jpfle 8 9 years ago
Issue Entering notes in linked staff causes corruption in irregular measures cadiz1 4 9 years ago
Issue Pasting nested tuplet onto linked staff causes crash chen lung 16 9 years ago
Issue Nested tuplet doesn't appear correctly in linked stave chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Trace on the score page when dragging glissando jpfle 11 9 years ago
Issue Crash when deleting bars with text line in staff with linked part chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Crash when changing instrument in the mixer after modifications in Fluid jpfle 6 9 years ago
Issue Changing soundfont, then sound in unrefreshed mixer causes crash chen lung 7 9 years ago
Forum topic Kerning of accidentals in key signature chen lung 4 9 years ago
Issue Uneven spacing between drum clef and rest chen lung 2 9 years ago
Issue Change trailing/leading space of segment if grace notes are selected causes crash [DELETED] 5 3 9 years ago
Issue Drumset tracks will not export to MIDI ChurchOrganist 8 9 years ago
Issue Repeated Multi-measure rest does not show the End Repeat barline Mansent 7 9 years ago
Issue Text selected while exporting to PDF remains highlighted Sean Oliveras 8 9 years ago
Issue Changes in Measure Properties not seen after Apply chen lung 8 9 years ago
Issue No note value on toolbar highlighted upon Note Entry chen lung 8 9 years ago