chen lung

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Note Entry enabled after disabling and Undo chen lung 5 4 years ago
Issue Disallowed actions included in undo of tremolo chen lung 3 4 years ago
Issue Undo Beam middle produces broken beaming chen lung 1 4 years ago
Issue Unnecessary time signatures not removed after Undo Soerboe 2 4 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Flag protrudes after 'Chord Articulation' chen lung 2 4 years ago
Issue Position of line after unticking Allow diagonal not restored in undo/redo stack chen lung 1 4 years ago
Forum topic Chord Sheets chen lung 14 4 years ago
Issue Continue of line begins at wrong place chen lung 6 4 years ago
FAQ Why doesn't my MIDI look very good in MuseScore? chen lung 0 4 years ago
FAQ How do I report something? chen lung 0 4 years ago
Forum topic Editing scores from multiple devices? Joe045 11 4 years ago
Forum topic Name of MuseScore on the websites Howard-C 11 4 years ago
Issue Tapping chen lung 8 4 years ago
Issue Distances before the first note chen lung 5 4 years ago
Issue Adjacent-note chords in different voices separated by a second not offset chen lung 12 4 years ago
Issue Playback skipping and cracking chinaclippers! 11 4 years ago
Issue [Guitar Pro] Tuplet rests incorrectly imported chen lung 12 4 years ago
Issue Cannot undo the editing of text in edit mode chen lung 8 4 years ago
Issue Bar numbers don't appear properly in Continuous View if key signature is deleted and other elements not shown chen lung 4 4 years ago
Issue Unable to remove sole instrument in Instruments chen lung 1 4 years ago
Issue Error message verbose and lacking capitalisation chen lung 6 4 years ago
Issue Inconsistency with note value terms on Note Entry toolbar in British version chen lung 3 4 years ago
Issue Mouse entered notes do not pick up pending slurs ManfredHerr 6 4 years ago
Issue Play Panel counter reflecting actual time point of score chen lung 3 4 years ago
Issue Normal note duration too short when tied to grace note MDMilford 3 4 years ago