chen lung

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue Cannot move some staves in system with hidden staves chen lung 3 5 years ago
Issue Mixer "solo" doesn't apply in audio export (though mute does) chen lung 8 5 years ago
Forum topic Subtitles for Videos chen lung 0 5 years ago
Issue Playback doesn't start from clicked note if score has repeats windytan_ 5 5 years ago
Issue [Trunk] Asterisk doesn't appear after changing quantity of lines in Stave Properties chen lung 3 5 years ago
Issue Multi-select in Instruments chen lung 7 5 years ago
Issue Mixer settings are saved in file but score not dirty when settings changes David Bolton 4 5 years ago
Issue Splash screen remains if clicked, after a crash chen lung 2 5 years ago
Issue Note spacing not accounting for accidental brackets jpfle 9 5 years ago
Issue Tablature2 clef missing chen lung 13 5 years ago
Issue Long lyric syllables at end of measure can overlap first syllable of next robert leleu 30 5 years ago
Issue Fingering collides with other score elements chen lung 13 5 years ago
Forum topic Automatic Text and Object Placement chen lung 5 5 years ago
Issue Glitches in playback audio BambiTrout 13 5 years ago
Forum topic Older Macs and maximum macOS version Riaan van Niekerk 3 5 years ago
Issue System text from 2.3.2 imported as staff text (preventing to hide otherwise empty staff) chen lung 15 5 years ago
Issue Changes to advanced style properties in tablature causes clef in Instruments to change chen lung 12 5 years ago
Issue Autosave occurring during playback causes crash chen lung 7 5 years ago
Issue Drumset shortcut keys initially input note selected in palette Paisleyartmachine 4 5 years ago
Forum topic MuseScore 3.0 alpha Release Anatoly-os 42 5 years ago
Issue Pianoroll and Drumroll Editor information should disappear if there's no score and update if looking at another chen lung 11 5 years ago
Issue Opening bass clef disappears when mid-measure treble clef is applied geetar 9 5 years ago
Issue Accidental policy added in pitchspelling.cpp (changes with accidental chosen for MIDI input) fnbecker 5 5 years ago
Issue Align horizontal frames in a vertical frame mike el angelo 5 5 years ago
Issue Playback popping chen lung 9 5 years ago