System Message

Type Title Author Comments Last updated
Issue MuseScore freezes when switching driver to PulseAudio if backend is not running igevorse 3 9 years ago
Issue Tempo marking disappears if added on the bass clef jpfle 3 9 years ago
Issue no/wrong note value icon selected when entering note input mode without first selecting note/rest Jojo-Schmitz 11 9 years ago
Issue Select all similar treats ties & slurs as similar Marc Sabatella 3 9 years ago
Issue lyrics verse number don't line up with lyrics Jojo-Schmitz 7 9 years ago
Issue Page Settings: the option "Custom" is displayed as "A4" jpfle 3 9 years ago
Issue Can't change left and right margins after selecting "Custom" page size jpfle 6 9 years ago
Issue Continuous View should print in Page View tedthetrumpet 2 9 years ago
Issue Allow cross staff beaming for multiple selected chords at once Daeavelwyn 12 9 years ago
Issue Incorrect alignment of lines at the beginning of a system CombatCube 11 9 years ago
Issue Unpitched orchestral percussion David Williams 4 9 years ago
Issue Position of articulations on small staff doesn't survive a file reload [DELETED] 5 2 9 years ago
Issue Crash when adding time signature with 0 as upper or lower numeral jpfle 2 9 years ago
Issue Support of hammer on and pulloff stevefullerton 11 9 years ago
Issue Spanners attached to small staff are not positioned correctly after file reload [DELETED] 5 3 9 years ago
Issue Ottava: properties "Line style" and "Line width" grayed out jpfle 7 9 years ago
Issue Pedal start hook always present, even when adding the "Ped" symbol without start hook Marc Sabatella 4 9 years ago
Issue "Apply" doesn't work in Measure Properties cadiz1 11 9 years ago
Issue Crash when dragging object over bar and then frame chen lung 6 9 years ago
Issue Keyboard input for Space (in Page Settings) doesn't work enkidu 14 9 years ago
Issue need a macro for 'last modified' in header/footer Jojo-Schmitz 13 9 years ago
Issue header/footer macros $F and $f show bogus information for linked parts Jojo-Schmitz 4 9 years ago
Issue [MusicXML] invalid MusicXML generated from file in #34781 Leon Vinken 3 9 years ago
Issue The "Line" disappears if end point is to left of start point cadiz1 6 9 years ago
Issue Grace note after change parent note accidental [DELETED] 5 2 9 years ago