[TAB] Conflict between fret/number 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element" (AZERTY)

• Jul 28, 2019 - 12:26
Reported version
S3 - Major

-Create a new score for guitar (tab)
-Try to write any note on 5th case
Number 5 won't work, you can write all the over one but not 5.


Title Tabs glitch [TAB] Conflict between fret 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element"
Frequency Many Once
Severity S1 - Blocker S3 - Major
Type Wording/Translation Functional
Workaround No Yes

Indeed, this is due to a conflict with the shortcut "Add parentheses to element". I don't remember when this shortcut was added, but it doesn't appear in version 2 anyway, and I don't know why this wasn't reported earlier (for my part, I use Tabs with letters, so I didn't see it, the F, for fret 5, works)
So, to solve this problem: Go to menu "Edit"/Preferences/Shortcuts and just clear this shortcut'(' for "Add parentheses to element" -> Ok.
(you can redefine it if you wish)
And your fret/number 5 is now working again.

Title [TAB] Conflict between fret 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element" [TAB] Conflict between fret/number 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element"
Title [TAB] Conflict between fret/number 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element" [TAB] Conflict between fret/number 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element" (AZERTY)

I'm assuming this applies to AZERTY keyboard layout only. For me on US QWERTY all the numbers work fine, The number keys don't use Shift, and parenthesis is Shift+9, so there are no conflicts. I know we do some sort of customization of shortcuts according to keyboard layout, but I'm still fuzzy on how that works,

Probably, but the problem is that the "Add parenthesis to element" shortcut was added by someone at some point in version 3 (I didn't check when - and it worked perfectly with version 2: i.e. there was no shortcut pre-defined for that). It would have been a good idea first to check the possible adverse for tablature entry.

Indeed, in the order of priorities, it seems to me that it is a minimum that the 5 works like any other number when entering a TAB staff - otherwise, this is clearly perceived as a bug by the users -, while a shortcut to add a parenthesis could be left to the user's initiative.

Of course, I'm not saying it's not a bug. Just observing that it's a bug that only affects AZERTY usage, and as such I am not sure how to best fix it. Also, since it affects AZERTY only, no amount of testing in the US or anywhere other than France would have been likely to have uncovered this issue. Nor would it have been immediately obvious that testing tab input would have been relevant - it's always hard to guess what side effects seemingly innocuous changes will have.

Anyhow, it's a bug to be sure, just not one I know what to do about. Presumably the answer is to change the default shortcut for the "add parentheses" command, for AZERTY users only. But I am not sure how to do that, and wouldn't be able to test it even if I tried. So I'm hoping someone with an AZERTY keyboard can investigate further.