
Type Titre Auteur Commentaires Dernière mise à jour
Sujet de forum Export breaks to parts. xavierjazz 41 il y a 2 ans
Project Command palette [Archived] ecstrema 0 il y a 3 ans
Issue Don't eliminate layout elements upon some cases of time signature change Jojo-Schmitz 19 il y a 3 ans
Sujet de forum About the ossia cleanhex 33 il y a 3 ans
Sujet de forum Design proposal for lines improvment CB. 5 il y a 3 ans
Sujet de forum New Emmentaler accidentals in 3.6 alpha are too sharp-looking Flora Canou 49 il y a 3 ans
Issue Accessibility and Fingering worldwideweary 4 il y a 3 ans
Issue QML api: "Select an element" needed so plugins can search [DELETED] 1831606 26 il y a 3 ans
Issue Build with Ninja fails: error: dependency cycle franztrischbe 16 il y a 3 ans
Issue make score's path and directory available to plugins msmb 14 il y a 3 ans
Sujet de forum Time signature MichelCome 12 il y a 4 ans
Issue Clicking on export shows open instead of export in Linux Mint scottecho 9 il y a 4 ans
Issue Empty rehearsal mark not deleted after entering a line break. ecstrema 9 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Palette popovers L'Moose 7 il y a 4 ans
Issue Rehearsal marks misplaced in 3.6 ecstrema 9 il y a 4 ans
Issue Frame with only subtitle not correcly resizing ecstrema 6 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Frames not the same in 3.6 alpha mike320 17 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Better typographic support? RFC Miwarre 42 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum MuseScore2 to Musescore3 : pagenumber pagepos ? Frank Revolle 10 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum New User could use some helpful info on creating PlugIns Quark46 53 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Automatice git dependencies update with git submodules ecstrema 14 il y a 4 ans
Issue Cutaway causes missing bar number at start of system DanielR 8 il y a 4 ans
Issue Multimeasure Rests should include the measure range [DELETED] 18611 11 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Suite of Test Scores chen lung 18 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Bar numbers below multimeasure rest fredg999 3 il y a 4 ans