
Type Titre Auteur Commentaires Dernière mise à jour
Sujet de forum Building on Windows Adrien de Croy 22 il y a 4 ans
Issue Certain score changes do not show up in subsequently created parts dinosaurjesse 7 il y a 4 ans
Issue Clarify "add linked staff" in instrument dialog ecstrema 4 il y a 4 ans
Issue Measure number vertical offset interpreted incorrectly Marc Sabatella 6 il y a 4 ans
Issue Multimeasure rest problems with altered measure numbering mkahn 7 il y a 4 ans
Issue Multi-measure rest numbers disappear during scrolling mike320 5 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum Have you ever experienced that an atonal composer talked very incoherently and incomprehensibly wolframhuette 8 il y a 4 ans
Issue MS 3.5 alpha crash on chordsymbol playback [DELETED] 1307581 35 il y a 4 ans
Issue Crash when playback with chord symbols reaches end of score ecstrema 9 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum ~/Library/Preferences/org.musescore.Musescore3.plist grew to 111Mbytes nevin.williams… 5 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum MuseScore 3.4 Beta Release Anatoly-os 84 il y a 4 ans
Issue Crash on copying a measure Number ecstrema 6 il y a 4 ans
Issue Centered Measure Numbers SirArsen 9 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum MuseScore web matangover 40 il y a 4 ans
Issue Problems with Bass Clarinet Howard-C 7 il y a 4 ans
Sujet de forum How to build and run tests (mtest) in Visual Studio? julianclem 2 il y a 4 ans
Issue [XML output format] Indentation of closing brackets is off Philzen 14 il y a 4 ans
Issue Put the backup file in a separate folder Ironword 25 il y a 4 ans
Issue Crash when glissandos break a certain layout [DELETED] 29079775 14 il y a 4 ans
Issue Add an advanced preference option of disabling backup file generation Howard-C 13 il y a 5 ans
Issue Changing the order of the instruments (staves) [DELETED] 31982 10 il y a 5 ans
Issue Icons are so small I can't see them. Jerry Slagle 3 il y a 5 ans
Sujet de forum General Measure Numbers implementation ecstrema 14 il y a 5 ans
Issue Crash on deleting two staff type changes at the same location ecstrema 15 il y a 5 ans
Issue Access to Scoreview and Repeats list with plugins vgStef 6 il y a 5 ans