After changing the initial instruments clef, a new setting of "Span to next staff" causes two clefs to be displayed after Save/Reload

• Nov 7, 2020 - 16:20
Reported version
S3 - Major

Après avoir copié une musique, je change les clefs, mais chaque fois que je rouvre le fichier, les anciennes clefs réapparaissent dans le premier système (cf chant des Oyseaux. mcz), et je dois à chaque ouverture corriger pour obtenir : Chant des Oyseaux2.pdf : je ne comprends pas comment changer ce comportement. Merci de votre aide

Attachment Size
Chant_des_Oyseaux.mscz 16.62 KB
Chant_des_Oyseaux2.pdf 25.69 KB


Title Modifications non prises en compte lors de l'enregistrement Changes not taken into account during registration

Google translate:
After having copied a music, I change the keys, but each time I reopen the file, the old keys reappear in the first system (see Chant_des_Oyseaux.mscz), and I have to correct each opening to obtain: Chant_des_Oyseaux2.pdf: I don't understand how to change this behavior. Thank you for your help

Title Changes not taken into account during registration Modifications non prises en compte lors de l'enregistrement
Status active needs info

I don't understand what you are doing wrong. When I change the key signature, close the score and open it again, the key signature remains as I saved it. I suggest that you have this discussion in the French forum at where there will be no language problems and there are plenty of people willing to help you.

Title Changes not taken into account during registration Changes not taken into account during registration

fix cross-posts

Title Changes not taken into account during registration After changing the initial instruments clef, Mensurstrich feature causes two keys to be displayed after Save/Reload
Status needs info active


1) SATB template : SATB.mscz
2) Change the clefs of instruments 2/3/4 "to turn it into a reading exercise in the original clefs" (I quote @janys) : SATB new clefs.mscz
3) Set up the Mensurstrich function


4) Save / Reload

Result: File : SATB new clefs +mensurtrich.mscz

and image: initial and "new" clefs are displayed both.
résult mens.jpg

Title After changing the initial instruments clef, Mensurstrich feature causes two keys to be displayed after Save/Reload After changing the initial instruments clef, Mensurstrich feature causes two clefs to be displayed after Save/Reload

By the way, this is not specific to the Mensurstrich.
The simple fact of changing the clef of one or more instruments, then modifying settings of "Span to next staff" in Inspector causes this glitch of double display of clefs after save-reload.
Example with Tenor clef change: SATB 1.mscz and new setting (for testing only) of Span to next staff

Title After changing the initial instruments clef, Mensurstrich feature causes two clefs to be displayed after Save/Reload After changing the initial instruments clef, a new setting of "Span to next staff" causes two clefs to be displayed after Save/Reload