Count-in feature is missing in Musescore 4

• Feb 27, 2023 - 15:29
Reported version
S3 - Major
GitHub issue

Go to the play panel...the conductor icon that allows the app to do a count-in before playing the score is missing. There is no way around this. Unfortunately I can't even convert my score back to Musescore 3 format so I'm pretty much stuck.


Sorry, but I can't find the count-in feature in the popup menu as shown in the above video. According to "About Musescore" I'm running the most current one (
How is this button enabled?


Ending 2024, the count-in function is missing. I think Musescore WAS a good product. I regret contributing to funding it. If you forget about simple things, you forget everything. :(

In reply to by Renzo Forlin

I here ya. Same here. I hate Musescore 4. The keyboard shortcuts have changed. When entering notes, it was simple to tie a note. Just click the plus key in the num pad. Then they changed it in Musescore 4. It's now alt plus. You create scores for years and then change how you do things and not for the better. The navigation use to be so easy. You had two panes. One on the left and the other on the right. Now, all one the left. Placing text dosnt work as the z axis is screwy. They changes things that don't need fixing. If you want to changes these things like keyboard shortcuts and where panels are then add profiles like in VSCode. That way people that have been using Musescore for over a decade can continue on without being annoyed. The only thing I find that I like about Musescore 4 is that chords can be played. Im so annoyed with it I went back to Musescore 3. Im a developer. Its been awhile since I developed using C++. I normally now do Dart/Flutter and Python. But, Im very much considering my old C++ books and forking Musescore 3 and keeping it alive.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thank‘s a lot, Jojo, for maintaining this specific thread.
I’m primarily using Musescore for accompaniment when exercising with my upright.
V3 still supports this use case much more elegantly like count-in, multiple scores in one main window and a few more.
I guess, it is just a matter of priorities, that the count-in is still not available in V4 after two years. Accordingly other scenarios than mine are prioritized.

Thank you again for 3.7!!
