
本页面显示的是MuseScore 3的旧版使用说明。
使用MuseScore 4的用户请移步歌词



    1. 在旋律行输入音符;
    2. 选择歌词对应的那个音符;
    3. 要进入歌词模式,请按下Ctrl+L (Mac: +L); 或者到顶部菜单选择添加文本歌词;
    4. 输入一个歌词的音节(对于西方文字);
    5. 可以使用以下方法接着输入音符:
      • 前往下一个音节:在音节末尾按下空格(或Ctrl+) 。
      • 连词线: 在音节结尾按下-
      • 跳到前一个音节按下Shift+空格(或Ctrl+)。
      • 左移:按下(左箭头)。若光标位于音节的开头,它将跳转到上一个音节。
      • 右移按下(右箭头)。若光标位于音节末尾,它将跳转到下一个音节。
      • 移动到下方的音节:按下(下方向键)。
      • 移动到上方的音节:按下(上方向键)。
      • 创建新歌词行在现有歌词音节的末尾在现有歌词音节的末尾按下(换行)(:勿用小键盘的回车!)
    6. 要退出歌词模式,请按下Esc

    Subsequent lines


    1. 选择以下选项之一:
      • 选中您想开始新歌词行的音符。 进入歌词模式(如上文第3步所示。光标移动到一条新的(空白)行。
      • 在现有音节上进入文本编辑模式,转到音节的末尾,然后按下(换行)。光标移动到下一行。
    2. 继续输入第4步的歌词(见上文)。

    示例歌词:A-des-te fi-del-es



    • 空格字符Ctrl+空格(Mac:+Space)。

    • -(连字符):Ctrl+-(Mac:+-)或AltGr+-

    • Line feedCtrl+(Mac:+Return)或小键盘上的回车

    Verse numbers

    To number verses, simply type the number (e.g. 1.) and a space before the first syllable. MuseScore will automatically align the numbers and first syllable correctly.


    A melisma is a syllable or word that extends over two or more notes. It is indicated by an underline extending from the base of a syllable to the last note of the melisma. The underline is created by positioning the cursor at the end of a syllable and pressing Shift+_: once for each note in the melisma. See the image below:

    Syllable extension line, Melisma

    The above lyric was created in the following manner:

    1. Type the letters, soul,.
    2. At the end of the word, press Shift+___.
    3. Type the letters To, then press Esc.

    For non-last syllables to extend, just use additional dashes -, usually only one of them will show (more when the distance between the syllables is large enough), and the syllable will right-align to the first note, similar to last syllables that got notated with a melisma, see above.

    Elision (Lyric) slur / Synalepha

    Two syllables under a note can be joined with an elision slur, also known as a "lyric slur" or "synalepha". For example:

    Sample lyric slur under a note

    To create the example lyric text, starting with the syllable text "te":

    1. Type te;
    2. Click on the keyboard icon Keyboard Icon , or press F2 to open the Special Characters palette;
    3. Use one of the following options:

      • Double-click one of the three elision slurs in the "Common Symbols" tab: "Narrow elision", "Elision", or "Wide elision" (these can be found between the "C Clef" and the "p" dynamic—see image below):
        Elision in the Special Symbols palette
      • Double-click the elision slur found after the 7/8 fraction in the "Common Symbols" tab (next to last character in the image above). Depending on the font, add one or more spaces before/after the slur using Ctrl+Space (Mac: +Space).

      Note: Not all fonts include the "undertie" character (U+203F ‿ "undertie", present in "Special Characters" mainly for compatibility with MuseScore 1.x scores). To find out which fonts on your computer support it, see "fontlist" (look for any font that shows a tie between "te" and "A" instead of a blank rectangle).

    4. Type A.


    1. 在现有音节上进入文本编辑模式
    2. 使用标准的文本编辑命令进行更改;
    3. 继续输入歌词(见上文);或通过按下Esc退出歌词模式


    To make global adjustments to the properties of all lyrics in the score:

    1. 从菜单中,选择格式样式...歌词
    2. 按需编辑位置、行高、边距、虚线及Melisma属性。



    1. Select the lyrics line: i.e. right click on a word in the line, and (from the menu) chose SelectMore...; then check the relevant options, which should include "Same system";
    2. Adjust the X and Y offsets in the Inspector.



    • 从菜单栏中,选择工具将歌词复制到剪贴板


    To copy and paste lyrics from a text file (say) into a score:

    1. Enter the notes in the score to which the lyrics will be attached.
    2. Set up your lyrics in a text file, with appropriate spaces, hyphens, line-breaks etc.
    3. Copy the lyrics from the text-file into the clipboard.
    4. Select the start note in MuseScore, and press Ctrl+L (Mac: Cmd+L) (step 3 under Enter lyrics in a score).
    5. Repeatedly applying paste will enter successive words of the lyrics. You may need to enter melismas and make other corrections as you go along.


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