放大视图:Ctrl++(某些操作系统不可用)(Mac:Cmd++);或者Ctrl(Mac:Cmd)+ 上滚轮
缩小视图:Ctrl+-(Mac:Cmd+-);或者Ctrl(Mac:Cmd)+ 下滚轮
下一页:Pg Dn;或者Shift + 下滚轮(Mac:Fn+↓)
上一页:Pg Up;或者Shift + 上滚轮(Mac:Fn+↑)
下一小节:Ctrl+→ (Mac: Cmd+→)
上一小节:Ctrl+← (Mac: Cmd+←)
渐少一附点时值:(从2.1版开始)Shift+Q(例:一个附点 四分音符转为四分音符;四分音符转位附点八分音符)
增加一附点时值:(从2.1版开始)Shift+W (e.g. 一个八分音符转为附点八分音符;附点八分音符转为四分音符)
第1声部:Ctrl+Alt+1 (Mac: Cmd+Alt+1)
第2声部:Ctrl+Alt+2 (Mac: Cmd+Alt+2)
第3声部:Ctrl+Alt+3 (Mac: Cmd+Alt+3)
第4声部:Ctrl+Alt+4 (Mac: Cmd+Alt+4)
同时在谱面与 标准音高视图下更改同音高音名:J
Sforzato (accent):Shift+V
谱表文字:Ctrl+T (Mac:Cmd+T)
谱表组文字:Ctrl+Shift+T (Mac: Cmd+Shift+T)
和弦符号:Ctrl+K (Mac: Cmd+K)
排练记号:Ctrl+M (Mac: Cmd+M)
在音符上输入歌词:Ctrl+L (Mac: Cmd+L)
后一音节:若当前音节与下一音节被'-'(-)隔开,则用 空格 。
音节左移Ctrl+← (Mac: Cmd+←)
音节右移1sp:Ctrl+→ (Mac: Cmd+→)
向上前往前一诗节:Ctrl+↑ (Mac: Cmd+↑)
向下前往后一诗节:Ctrl+↓ (Mac: Cmd+↓)
时间轴:F12 (Mac: fn+F12)
播放控制面板:F11 (Mac: fn+F11)
混音器:F10 (Mac: fn+F10)
符号面板:F9 (Mac: fn+F9)
检视器:F8 (Mac: fn+F8)
MSCORE(1) —通用指令手册页面
mscore、MuseScore3 — MuseScore 3 乐谱编辑器
mscore [-deFfhIiLmnOPRstvw]
[-a | --use-audio driver]
[-b | --bitrate bitrate]
[-c | --config-folder pathname]
[-D | --monitor-resolution DPI]
[-E | --install-extension extension file]
[-j | --job file.json]
[-M | --midi-operations file]
[-o | --export-to file]
[-p | --plugin name]
[-r | --image-resolution DPI]
[-S | --style style]
[-T | --trim-image margin]
[-x | --gui-scaling factor]
[file ...]
MuseScore 是一个免费、开源、所见即所得、跨平台、多语言的作曲与记谱软件,在GNU通用公共许可证(GPLv2)下发布。
使用音频驱动器:jack, alsa, portaudio, pulse之一
启用试验性特性,比如 图层
只使用标准内置预设(“出厂设置”),并删除用户偏好设置;与 -R 选项进行比较(请参见恢复出厂设置)
-I | --dump-midi-in
处理一个转换作业(参阅下文的例 子)
指定MIDI导入操作文件(参阅 例 子 below)
无论在用户首选项中是启用还是禁用,都要从New Score向导开启
设定转换的PNG图像分辨率。默认为300 DPI(实际上,是参数设置的导出选项卡中PNG选项组的“分辨率”的值。)
修剪输出的PNG和SVG图像,以删除周围的乐谱空白。指定的外边距(以像素为单位)将被保留(对于严格裁剪的图像使用 0
-j 选项的参数必须是一个文件的路径名,该文件由一个遵守以下规范的有效JSON文档组成:
: 值为转换输出目标,如下文定义。可选填,但必须至少有一个plugin
转换输出目标可以是一个JSONString格式的JSONArray文件名,如上所述,这将导致乐谱被依次写入多个输出文件(以多种输出格式),中间不会被关闭、重新打开和重新处理。The conversion output target may be a JSONArray of filenames as JSONString, as above, which will cause the score to be written to multiple output files (in multiple output formats) sequentially, without being closed, re-opened and re-processed in between.
如果转换输出目标是一个JSONArray,它的一个或多个元素也可能是,每个都是两个JSONStrings的JSONArray(在下面的描述中称为第一和第二部分)。这将导致部分提取:对于每一个这样的双元组,乐谱的所有现存部分将被单独保存,文件名由前半部分、部分的名称(标题)和后半部分连接组成。产生的字符串必须是一个有效的文件名(带扩展名,决定输出格式)。如果一个乐谱没有定义任何部分(节选),这将被默默地忽略而不产生错误。If the conversion output target is a JSONArray, one or more of its elements may also be, each, a JSONArray of two JSONStrings (called first and second half in the following description). This will cause part extraction: for each such two-tuple, all extant parts of the score will be saved individually, with filenames being composed by concatenating the first half, the name (title) of the part, and the second half. The resulting string must be a valid filename (with extension, determining the output format). If a score has no parts (excerpts) defined, this will be silently ignored without error.
, /usr/share/sounds/sf3/
mscore -o '我的乐谱.pdf' '我的乐谱.mscz'
mscore -j job.json
"in": "Reunion.mscz",
"out": "Reunion-coloured.pdf",
"plugin": "colornotes.qml"
"in": "Reunion.mscz",
"out": [
[ "Reunion (part for ", ").pdf" ],
"in": "Piece with excerpts.mscz",
"out": [
"Piece with excerpts (Partitura).pdf",
[ "Piece with excerpts (part for ", ").pdf" ],
"Piece with excerpts.mid"
例如,工作的最后一部分会导致“Piece with excerpts (part for Violin).pdf
是一个用于 -M 选项的MIDI导入操作样本文件。
mscore实用程序在成功时退出(exit 0),若发生错误则 >0。
fluidsynth(1), midicsv(1), timidity(1), qtoptions(7)
MuseScore由Werner Schweer及众人开发。
本手册由mirabilos <tg@debian.org>撰写。
在应用程序有机会处理选项之前,自动Qt命令行选项会从参数向量中移除;这意味着像mscore -S -reverse
存在更多问题——查看项目的问题反馈(参阅 SEE ALSO)。
MuseScore ——二〇一八年十二月十八日
MuseScore 3.6 introduces a new music font, Leland, a new default text font, Edwin (a version of New Century Schoolbook), and many new default settings. It also introduces a number of new features which are available in all newly-created scores by default, and which can also be applied automatically or manually to existing scores.
The three main features, which are interrelated, are:
The first two features apply at score creation time and are available in the New Score Wizard, though they can also be accessed later in the Instruments panel. Previously, it was up to the user to arrange instruments and add brackets manually once the score was created. The aim of these new features is to save time and give a better default result in the majority of cases, but it is not intended to accommodate every possible score setup. For unusual layouts, the results can be customised after the score is created, the features can be turned off completely, or a template could be used.
When creating a new score via 'Choose Instruments', there is now an 'Ordering' dropdown showing the current system of instrument ordering. 'Orchestral' is the default. As instruments are added to the score, they will be added in the correct position according to the select ordering. (Previously, each instrument would appear below whichever was currently selected in the right-hand list.) This also makes it easy to, for instance, add a double wind section, by selecting Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon in the left-hand list, and clicking 'Add to score' twice.
Each ordering defines a position in the score for solo instruments. For example, in an orchestral ordering, this is above the strings. With an instrument selected in the right-hand list, the 'Make soloist' button will move it to that position. You can designate multiple soloists; within the soloist 'section' the overall ordering will apply. Solo instruments will have "solo" added to their name by default, and will be numbered separately from non-solo instruments, where relevant. Note that the soloist designation is a score layout feature only and has no impact on playback.
One quirk is that, for now, only a single soloist position is defined per ordering, so a work with a chorus plus both vocal and instrumental soloists will place the instrumental soloists above the chorus. These will need to be moved manually.
As before, instruments can be moved up and down manually with the buttons that are now to the right of the list. In the dropdown the ordering will have '(Customised)' appended to its name. The customised ordering is saved with the score. You can reset the order by selecting the original ordering (or a different one) from the dropdown.
Selecting the 'Custom' ordering disables this feature entirely, as well as the automatic bracketing.
The predefined ordering assigns instrument families (flutes, oboes, clarinets, etc.) and arranges those families into sections (woodwind, brass, percussion, etc.). Brackets are added automatically according to these simple rules:
Again, while this should provide reasonable defaults for most scores, it won't give perfect results for every possible style or layout. Fortunately, it is easy to make adjustments once the score is created.
There is a new algorithm for vertically justifying staves to properly fill the page, which is turned on by default for new scores in MuseScore 3.6. To turn this off, untick Format > Style > Page > Enable vertical justification of staves.
The basic principle of the algorithm is to try to make the space between staves equal, subject to two settings (all in Format > Style > Page):
The space between a brace and bracket will be determined by the larger of these two values. The "Max. great staff distance" setting is used to limit the amount of distance between staves joined by a curly brace. This is useful as these staves generally need to be read at once in a single glance by the player.
The "Max. system distance" and "Max. stave distance" should have reasonably large values to enable the routine to fill even quite sparse pages. Sometimes a page will not have enough staves for it to make sense to justify. In this case, once the algorithm first equalises the space as described above, it then adds extra space between the staves up to a maximum of the setting given in "Max. page fill distance" (multiplied by any relevant factor setting). If you find many pages are not fully justified, but you'd like them to be, try adjusting this setting. In general, a low value is likely to be best for a score with a small number of staves per system, and a larger one for larger numbers of staves.
The vertical justification is dynamic, and not tied to the section assignments of instruments used to determine the score order at the setup stage, so if you add or remove brackets the spacing will change accordingly. In the same way, if empty staves are hidden on a given system, the spacing will be determined only by the brackets which are present on that system.
Hopefully the default settings give good results in most cases, but it might take a bit of experimentation with the settings depending on the makeup of a score. If you are used to using spacers to achieve similar results, it is best to try to find settings which give a good result for the majority of the score, and use spacers only where local adjustments are necessary. It is planned for future versions to make this more configurable. For example, extra space could be suppressed for a specific bracket, or the value might be increased or decreased for a particular page or system.
This new option, which is turned on by default, is found in Style > Score > Enable indentation on first system. As the name suggests, it will indent the first system of a section in the customary way for classical scores. (The old workaround of using a frame for this is no longer necessary.) If there are instrument labels present, the maximum of either the value given for this setting or the length of the labels will apply.
When opening an old score, a dialog box gives the option to apply either the new notation font Leland, or the new text font Edwin, or both. Each of these applies a subset of the new default 3.6 style settings beyond just the font changes, for example, line widths and text sizes, but does not apply every one of the the new defaults, in the interest of minimising disruptive layout changes.
To apply all of the new defaults, including these text and notation font changes, open the Format > Style window and click the "Reset All Styles to Default" button at the bottom. This was formerly the Format > Reset Style menu option. The button behaves the same way, except that it no longer resets the page layout options which are set in the Format > Page Settings window; that window now has its own equivalent button, which will reset only those settings it contains. This means that the new style options can be tried out without completely ruining the layout of the score, though a few settings in the Score and Page settings of the Style window may need to be re-set manually.
If it is an option, delete any non-essential system and page breaks, then select the whole score and select Format > Stretch > Reset Layout Stretch. Also delete spacers if you want to see the default results of the new vertical justification algorithm (see below).
Edwin has wider character sizes in general than FreeSerif (though slightly smaller default point sizes are used) so it is quite likely that the Edwin option will cause layout changes, particularly in scores with lyrics. Leland will affect the spacing less radically, but some adjustments may still be necessary.
Text items which have local style overrides applied will not have those customisations removed, either as part of the score migration process, or via the Reset Styles options. This may result in an inconsistent score where some text retains its old font face or size. The new menu option Format > Reset Text Style Overrides will remove these customisations, resetting all text items to match the currently defined text styles. (This is equivalent to clicking 'Reset to style default' for each attribute in the Text area of the Inspector.) Note that this does not remove Custom Formatting, which must be done manually if required.
Press I to open the Instruments panel, or choose the Edit > Instruments menu item. Assuming the score was created pre-3.6, the selected ordering will be 'Custom'. If you wish to apply a standard ordering, select one from the menu, for example 'Orchestral'. The instruments in the score will be reordered according to that definition, and have brackets and braces applied accordingly. Note that any existing brackets and braces will be deleted.
If you want to use this feature but have previously been using spacers to create extra or fixed distance between staves, it would be best to delete all those spacers first, as they will distort how the new algorithm works. A quick way to do this is by right-clicking any spacer, choosing Select > All Similar Elements, and pressing Delete.
Turn this feature on by selecting Style > Page > Enable vertical justification of staves. Then you can reintroduce spacers if there are specific places where the default spacing needs adjustment.
In the process of investigating style settings, engraving issues, and creating a new music font, many issues were uncovered which needed to be corrected and which may have a small impact on the appearance of existing scores. In some cases it is possible to undo these manually.
A long-standing error in the interpretation of the beamDistance setting that is defined alongside SMuFL fonts meant that this value was frequently half as big as it ought to be in MuseScore, including with Emmentaler and Bravura. (MuseScore defines the distance between beams as a percentage of the thickness of a beam, but for SMuFL the setting is an absolute distance in stave spaces. The normal thickness of a beam is 0.5sp, and the standard distance between beams is also 0.25sp, which MuseScore interpreted as 25% of 0.5sp, i.e. 0.125sp.)
The new correct interpretation of this value, 50%, will be applied even to existing scores, unless this value had been explicitly overridden. The extra space is added inwards, so the position of the outermost beams remains the same. If you really want the old, very-tight spacing, set Style > Beams > Beam distance manually to 25%.
Before (beam distance 25%):
After (beam distance 50%):
In a similar way, MuseScore interpreted this SMuFL value as the total extension of the ledger line beyond the notehead (i.e. x/2 at each side), when the value is meant to be the extension at each side. This error was also masked by a square cap being used for the line, rather than a straight cap, thus also adding half of the line thickness at each end.
As with beam spacing, if this setting was not explicitly overridden in the file, a new default will be applied even in old scores, but this will give identical results. If you did adjust this value, this value will be preserved, but will produce ledger lines that are too long. You can convert the value manually with the formula:
new value = (x / 2) - (y / 2)
where x is the previous 'Ledger line length' value, and y is the 'Ledger line thickness' value. Or, just use the now correctly-interpreted default settings for each font:
Round caps were previously drawn on stems. This has been replaced with a flat cap. Partly this is to make the length of the stem more exact, but mainly it is so that the round cap does not obscure the design of the tip of the flag symbols in each font. Emmentaler's flags, for instance, are designed with a flat tip; Bravura and Leland have rounded tips which are not exactly symmetrical.
The placement of flags was also previously at odds with SMuFL fonts: a calculation was made of how much to extend the stem for a given number of flags, and then the flag symbol was drawn with the top or bottom of its bounding box at the end of the stem. Now, the presence of flags does not affect stem length (i.e. a normal length stem is used for a note according to its vertical position and stem direction) and the flag symbol is then placed with its y=0 at the end of the stem. Any 'extension' of the stem is thus determined by the extent to which the flag symbol extends above or below y=0. The flags in Emmentaler, as used within MuseScore, have been repositioned to reflect this, and to match other SMuFL fonts.
The result of this is that flags may appear slightly lower or higher than they did previously; however, their positioning now reflects the intentions of the designers of each of the available fonts. Beamed notes are not affected.
Before (Bravura, in 3.5):
After (Bravura, in 3.6):
Previously MuseScore did not add any space between the bounding boxes of accidentals and brackets around them. Now a small amount of padding is added, which can be customised via Style > Accidentals > Padding inside parentheses.
Before (Bravura, in 3.5):
After (Bravura, in 3.6):
These have been replaced with those taken from Parnassus. For details, see PR #6747.
MuseScore 3 includes a number of new and improved features. For a brief summary, see the Release notes for MuseScore 3. More details can be found in the summaries below and by referring to the relevant pages of the handbook.
MuseScore initially places elements in the score according to (a) the properties specified in style defaults and (b) any manual adjustments made. For elements that have automatic placement enabled, however, MuseScore will attempt to avoid collisions by moving one or more of them as needed.
See Automatic placement.
The default position for most elements is controlled by settings in Format → Style. You can either change the default there, or, in the Inspector, apply a manual adjustment (see below) and then use the "Set as style" control (the S to the right of the value you wish to set).
The specific properties you can set vary by element type but include:
See Automatic placement.
Many elements can be placed either above or below the staff. To flip an element from above to below or vice versa, use the "Placement" setting in the Inspector, or press the shortcut "X".
Manual adjustments to position can be performed by dragging or by changing the offsets in the Inspector. Neither method will allow you to position an element in a way that causes a collision, however. To take full control of the position of an element, you can disable automatic placement for it.
See Automatic placement.
To disable automatic placement for an element, untick the "Automatic placement" box in the Inspector. The element will revert to its default position, and it will no longer be considered when automatically placing other elements.
See Automatic placement.
The "Stacking order" setting in the Inspector controls which elements overlap which in the cases where they actually do overlap and are not moved due to autoplacement.
See Automatic placement.
Formatting of text is controlled by three factors:
See Text basics, Text styles and properties.
Each text element has a text style associated with it. The default style for an element is determined by the type of the element itself - staff text defaults to the Staff text style, dynamics to the Dynamics text style, etc. This text style determines the default font face, size, style (bold/italic/underline), alignment, and frame properties.
You can change the defaults for any of these text styles using Format → Style → Text Styles. For instance, you can make rehearsal marks bigger, or change lyrics to be italicized. This will affect all existing elements using that style as well as elements you add later. Some elements also contain a limited set of text style controls in their own sections of the Format → Style dialog (although this might not be the case in the final release). The settings are linked: you can change the font size for measure numbers in either Format → Style → Measure Numbers, or in Format → Style → Text Styles: Measure Number. The effect is the same: all measure numbers in the score will take on this size. You can also change the defaults for a text style using the Inspector; see Text Properties below.
For most text elements that you create directly (like staff text, rehearsal marks, and lyrics), you can apply a different text style using the Style control in the Inspector. This will cause them to display using that style instead of the "native" style for the element. For example, you can select one or more staff text elements and give them the Tempo style to force them to display as if they were tempo markings.
See Text basics, Text styles and properties.
The text style controls the default properties for elements using that style, but you can override any of these properties for selected elements using the Inspector. For example, you can select a handful of staff text elements using Ctrl+click, then use the Inspector to make them larger. The Reset to Default button next to each property control returns it to the default. You can also click the Set as Style button to change the style to match. So another way to change the size of all measures numbers is to select one, change its size in the Inspector, then click Set as Style.
See Text basics, Text styles and properties.
Custom formatting is applied to text using the toolbar at the bottom of the main window in the same manner as in previous releases. Thus, you can embolden one word in a sentence while the rest is normal, or superscript a particular character etc. You can also remove all custom formatting from select text elements using the "Remove Custom Formatting" button in the Inspector. This returns the text to the settings currently shown in the Inspector.
See Text editing.
You can change various staff properties mid-score, including staff size, notehead scheme (e.g., for pitch name noteheads), generation of time signatures, and others. The staff type change element is found on the Text palette (currently, but see #278205: Move Staff Type Change to another palette (it is not text) - it may move). Add it to the measure where you want the change to occur, then use the Inspector to change properties of the staff type change element.
To create a temporary staff that appears on certain systems only: first add the staff normally (Edit / Instruments), then add notes, then right-click the staff, click Staff Properties, and set "Hide when empty" to "Always". This will cause the staff to show only where needed even without needing to turn on "Hide empty staves" for the whole score (in Format / Style). The default for "Hide when empty" is "Auto", meaning the staff will be hidden when empty if "Hide empty staves" is enabled. Additional values include "Never" (the staff will not be hidden when empty even if "Hide empty staves" is enabled) and "Instrument" (for instruments containing multiple staves, the staff is hidden only if all staves for that instrument are empty).
To create a cutaway staff in which only the measures containing notes are visible (for ossia or cutaway scores, for example), right-click the staff, click Staff Properties, and enable the "Cutaway" option. This can be used independently of "Hide when empty" or "Hide empty staves".
System dividers are a set of short diagonal lines that are used to visually separate systems on a page. MuseScore can add these to your score automatically. In Format → Style → System, you can enable dividers on the left, right, or both, and you can set their default position. You can also adjust the position of individual dividers in your score manually or mark them invisible (this currently does not survive saving).
As part of the automatic placement in MuseScore, staves are now spaced automatically, so you can set a comfortable minimum distance and depend on MuseScore to open up more space where needed. You can use staff spacers as in MuseScore 2 to increase distance between staves, but MuseScore 3 now also provides a way to decrease it—the "fixed" staff spacer, found on the Breaks & Spacers palette. Just add the spacer and adjust its height. This will also prevent MuseScore from automatically adding more space to avoid collisions, allowing you to manage this yourself.
See Spacers.
Currently disabled
In addition to the system, page, and section breaks familiar from MuseScore 2, the "Breaks & Spacers" palette now contains a new "Don't Break" element. This allows you to force two measures to be kept together, for example, if there is some complex passage that spans the measures and you want to make sure they are adjacent. If both measures don't fit on a system, MuseScore moves them both to the next system. (currently, this leaves a "hole" at the end of the first staff - is this a bug or is there some purpose behind it?)
In addition to the ability to generate parts from the different instruments in your score, you can now also associate a part with a specific staff within the instrument or even a specific voice within a specific staff. This allows you to combine multiple parts (e.g., Flute 1 & 2) onto a single staff in the score while still generating separate parts.
The Parts dialog now contains two sections at the bottom, Instruments in Score and Instruments in Part. Once you have generated a part (or all parts) using the New and New All buttons, you can select any part at the top and use the controls at the bottom to control not only what instrument is in the part, but also which staves and voices within the instrument are included.
To add an instrument to a part, select it from "Instruments in Score" and press "+". To remove an instrument from a part, select it from "Instruments in Part" and press "-". To customize the part at the staff or voice level, click the arrow next to the instrument in "Instruments in Part" to expand the listing to show all staves and voices of the instrument. You can remove a staff by selecting it and pressing "-", or remove a voice by unchecking it.
Limitations: If you select only voice 1 for a given staff, then only the content in voice 1 for that staff will be included in the part. Thus, in order to share flute 1 & 2 on the same staff, you will need to enter all notes onto both voices, even in passages where they share content. You also cannot enter the two parts as chords in the passages where they share rhythms.
Explode has been updated to allow separation of voices as well as notes. See Explode.
The implode tool (Tools / Implode) works in one of two modes.
With a single staff selected, the implode command merges notes in different voices into chords where possible (when notes are on the same beat and have the same duration). This is the same as recent versions of MuseScore, although some bugs have been fixed.
With multiple staves selected, the implode command combines the content of the first four non-empty voices (on any staves) into multiple voices on the top selected staff. This is different from MuseScore 2, where notes would be combined into chords rather than using multiple voices, and thus required the rhythms to match. The MuseScore 3 approach preserves the original rhythms even where they differ, and is intended to produce the expected results when combining two different parts onto one staff for use with the parts from voices feature, or when reducing an open (four-stave) SATB score into a closed (two-stave) version. To further merge the voices into chords where possible, simply run the command again.
See Tools.
You can insert and delete notes and have the measure automatically expand or contract to accommodate the change. This can be useful in creating unmetered music or in ordinary editing.
To insert a note before the currently-selected note, press Ctrl+Shift while adding the note normally. For example, in note input mode, Ctrl+Shift+click will insert a note of the currently-selected duration at that location. Ctrl+Shift+B will insert a B of the currently-selected duration before the note at the current cursor position. You can also switch to Insert mode using the dropdown menu next to the note input button on the toolbar. In this mode, all notes you add act as if you were pressing Ctrl+Shift - they are inserted rather than replacing the existing notes or rests at that location.
To delete notes, you must be in normal (not note input) mode. Select either a single note or a range and press Ctrl+Del.
See Note input modes, Remove selected range (Tools)
To split a measure before a given note, simply insert a barline from the palette at that point while holding Ctrl. For example, you can select the note, and Ctrl+double-click the barline in the palette, or Ctrl+drag the barline to the note. You can also use Tools → Measure → Split Measure Before Selected Note/Rest.
To join two measures, Ctrl+Del the barline between them. You can also use the menu command Tools → Measure → Join Measures.
See Measure operations.
The Timeline presents a graphical overview of your score. To access it, use View →Timeline (F12). The top portion of the Timeline shows the location of tempo, key, and time signature changes as well as rehearsal marks, repeats, and double barlines. The bottom portion shows the staves of your score, with non-empty measures highlighted. You can click anywhere within this view to jump to the corresponding spot in the score.
See Timeline
The Score Comparison Tool (View / Score Comparison Tool) allows you to compare two versions of a score to find the differences between them. Select the two scores you want to compare and whether you want to compare the current version or the last saved version (note you can compare the current version of a score against the last saved version of the same score to see what you have changed since the last save), then click the Compare button. A list of differences will be displayed to the right. The score view will automatically change to Documents Side by Side, with the two scores you have selected displayed within. Double-click on a difference from the list and both score views will automatically pan to show you the changed element, which will also be highlighted.
Normally you would want the default Intelligent comparison, which displays the differences in human-readable format (e.g. "Measure 1: Note: property pitch changed from B4 to C5"). There is also a Raw mode to show the results according to the actual XML code.
See Score comparison.
See Mixer.
See Piano roll editor (preliminary page).
Capo changes are now a property of staff text, and can be used to automatically change the pitch of all notes that follow them, up until another capo change.
See Capo playback.
New UI. See Fretboard diagrams.
While all members of the development team did their best to make the software easy to use and bug-free, there are some known issues and limitations in MuseScore 3.x.
The local time signature feature, which allows you to have different time signatures in different staves at the same time, is very limited. You can only add a local time signature to measures that are empty, and only if there are no linked parts. When adding notes to measures with local time signatures, you can enter notes normally via note input mode, but copy and paste does not work correctly and may lead to corruption or even crashes. The join and split commands are disabled for measures with local time signatures.
The Regroup Rhythms
command found under the Tools menu may have unintended side effects, including changing the spelling of pitches and deleting some elements like articulations, glissandos, tremolos, grace notes and, esp. on undo, ties. Use this tool with caution on limited selections, so that you can tell if any unwanted changes are made.
When entering multiple-note chords on a standard staff in a linked staff/tablature system, the notes should be entered in order from the top (first) string to the bottom string to ensure correct fret assignment.
This limitation does not apply if entering notes directly onto a tablature staff, or when using an unlinked staff/tablature system.
Changing settings in the mixer other than the sound doesn't mark the score 'dirty'. That means if you close a score you may not get the warning "Save changes to the score before closing?". Changing mixer values are also not undoable.
See Text styles and properties chapter.
安装MuseScore 3不会卸载1.x或2.x版本——这三个版本都可以和平共处,甚至可以并行使用。因此,这不是真正的升级,而是安装一个新程序。
MuseScore 3显著提高了排版质量,使乐谱具有吸引力和阅读性。改进涵盖许多项目,如倾斜符杠、符干高度、和弦中临时记号的排版以及一般音符的间距。然而,这意味着使用MuseScore 1.x或2.x制作的乐谱看起来与使用3.x制作的乐谱略有不同。
若您没有手动调整1.x或2.x乐谱的排版,则MuseScore 3.x将使用排版引擎来重新排版乐谱。若您曾经微调过1.x或2.x乐谱的布局,那么在MuseScore 3.x中打开后,您可能所做的单独调整应保持不变,但是,由于周围布局略有变化,它们在整个环境中可能仍然不正确。若您希望重置甚至手动调整版面以在整个过程中使用3.x排版引擎,请先通过快捷键来全选乐谱:Ctrl+A(Mac:Cmd+A)并重置版面 Ctrl+R(Mac:Cmd+R)。
注意:当您在MuseScore 3中打开1.x或2.x文件时,它会询问您是否要将版面重置为默认布局。
虽然2.x/3.x中的音色有了很大的改进,但您可能仍然更喜欢MuseScore 1.x的音色。那样的话,您可以通过下载1.3的音色并将其添加到3.x中以在MuseScore 3.x中使用1.x的音色。您可以分两步完成此操作:
MuseScore requires access to your internet connection with AVG. MuseScore doesn't need an internet connection to function, but if AVG blocks it, MuseScore hangs.
If AVG prompts you, Allow MuseScore and check "Save my answer as a permanent rule and do not ask me next time."
If it doesn't prompt you anymore,
在此帖子中,用户认为发现字体“Adobe Jenson Pro(ajenson)”是罪魁祸首,无论根据上述验证没有被报告为损坏或有问题,并通过删除该字体解决了问题,因此这也值得检查。
If the default desktop environment application font is set to bold, MuseScore will not display the notes properly.
要对这个问题进行故障诊断(gnome 2.*/MATE用户):
For GNOME 3/SHELL users
一些用户报告称,Debian 6.0和Lubuntu 10.10上的“另存为”对话框是空的。
Type the following in a terminal
which mscore
export QT_NO_GLIB=1
a tre (-a tre voce或a tre parte) 三声部的。
A curved line between two or more notes on the same pitch to indicate a single note of combined duration:
The act of moving the pitches of one or more notes up or down by a constant interval. There may be several reasons for transposing a piece, for example: