
Typ Titel Autor Comments Zuletzt aktualisiert
Issue Crash when opening this MIDI file chen lung 9 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Measure-long rest DED010 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Crash when opening just one Overture file hhpmusic 1 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Trombone and Tuba DED010 1 vor 7 Jahren
Issue the second part of a split measure should be excluded from measure count robert leleu 3 vor 7 Jahren
Issue MusicXML: MuseScore should export stem color and alpha channel to XML Jojo-Schmitz 1 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic How to tie non-adjacent notes Irene Atkinson 12 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic How to hide a staff line when identical with another? mirabilos 6 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic muscore freezes when i click "edit staff properties" on my windows 10 pc Y0 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Alternating e.g. flute and piano retnev 12 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic how to flatten multiple voices to single voice Gene Gaunt 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic transpose Debbie Warby 3 vor 7 Jahren
Issue Unable to change voice of tied notes don.giustino 19 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Sizing measure for half of the page / whole page (vice versa) Mark Tondi 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic how to set up sung response and separate verse Don9of11 15 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Notating piano duo. Making it playable. Pianist and Violinst input. Composers ask musicians. Daniel Ani 8 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Why does crescendo and diminuendo not work? myn131 4 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Batch "Save online" upload to OUDCETALL 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic How to use the Liturgical Unmetrical + Organ template Don9of11 7 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Can I get this without faking? KeldeoJustified 8 vor 7 Jahren
Issue file corrupted stephenlangel 3 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Adding tremelo to certain notes and notation. Daniel Ani 7 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Lyric dash font SisterM 1 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic Guitar chords above notes SisterM 2 vor 7 Jahren
Forum topic how to proceed? templates and instruments for future pieces? mkjnovak 2 vor 7 Jahren