smooth playback head/bar option?
I've been wanting the blue playbar to slide smoothly over the notes rather than jumping from note to note.
I can't find any options for this part of musescore but I've seen plenty of videos that have the smooth playbar?
(for example
That video got generated from
MuseScore 3.5 (Beta is available) has this now too
In reply to That video got generated… by Jojo-Schmitz
Ah good, I was worried it was exclusive to the .com service. I haven't seen reason to own the service right now with my financial straights, but I'm glad to see parity coming to the main program. I'll give the beta for that a try.
In reply to That video got generated… by Jojo-Schmitz
Where can i download the 3.5beta? I'm on Linux Mint 19.3
Thank you for a link.
In reply to Where can i download the 3… by [DELETED] 1307581
In reply to That video got generated… by Jojo-Schmitz
MuseScore 3.5 has optional smooth scrolling when in continuous view (enabled via an advanced preference), but the movement of the playhead itself isn't smooth.
In reply to MuseScore 3.5 has optional… by Spire42
That's, odd... I would feel that's harder to program.
In reply to That's, odd... I would feel… by jrubz
The playhead code is complicated and very closely coupled with the sequencer code. The person who recently implemented smooth scrolling didn't even want to touch it and instead implemented a separate smooth-moving playhead (which can also be enabled via advanced preferences). It doesn't exactly follow the notes, though.
I've started work on getting the actual playhead movement smooth, but no promises.
In reply to That's, odd... I would feel… by jrubz
Well if could program it...