problem with xml export yesterday

• Jul 28, 2020 - 18:54

For those of you using musescore, i m having trouble this afternoon fixing errors using the arrow up/down shortcut. The musescore file reflects the change correctly (and plays it correctly), but the xml export goes haywire (such as without acknowledging the change or making the rest of the measures played in white keys without accidentals). Not sure if anyone experienced this recently on musescore.


In reply to by Shoichi

Let me show you:

0.xml is a file I received from another machine

I open it on musescore

m. 77 I highlight the 3rd and 4th beat of RH with a box and press arrow down to change the octave from A natural to A flat

I save the file to 1.mscz

I export the file to 1.musicxml

I quit musescore

I open the file 1.musicxml

m.'s still A natural (whereas 1.musz is A flat)

Attachment Size
0.musicxml 2.57 MB
1.musicxml 2.57 MB
1.mscz 67.31 KB

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