sending notes to different clef

• Sep 1, 2020 - 22:19

I create midi files on a keyboard , and then import into Muse. Muse tries hard but doesn't know which notes should be in the treble clef and which notes should be in the bass clef. What is the easiest way to send a note from the bass clef to the treble clef - and vise-versa ? This happens alot - so, it would be nice to select the note and have the option of sending it to the clef of choice. Or - do I have to delete all the notes and re-enter manually on the correct clef?


I don't think you're asking about cross-staff notation but that's really the only automatic way to transfer a note from one staff to the other. The only way is to delete the note from one staff and manually enter it on the other.

In reply to by mike320

Thx for the quick reply. I am new to MS - and the cross-staff notation feature (new terminology to learn) basically does the trick. So - thanks.
When I tried to delete or cut the notes ... MS would replace the notes with rests in that clef (which sort of makes sense)... but to paste the notes in the other clef - there wasn't a way to paste into the correct location of the measure.

It might be worth to use Edit→Instruments to add two additional staves to the the middle of the instrument.
The cut notes from the treble onto one of those new staves if you wish to move them into bass clef. Similarly, use the other new staff to paste the notes cut from the bass staff.
Once that is done, you can make use of the implode tool to merge those moved notes into the other original staves. (possibly then implode that original stave again to force things into a single voice as much as possible).
Finally remove the previously added staves from the instrument again.

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