Beginner assistance

• Nov 19, 2020 - 14:33

New to MuseScore. I have some sheet music that I would like to enter into MuseScore but no matter how I try, I can not seem to get MuseScore to look the same as the printed sheet music from the melody / voice notation.

I can't get the first rest to appear and I can't get the first measure to appear like the sheet music.

Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 9.29.55 AM.png

Help appreciated.


In reply to by mike320

Mike, Thanks for replying. I would like it to look exactly like the image that I included in my comment.

I can get the 1/8 rest and the 1/8 G, but when I try to get the the remaining notes in the measure to look like what is on the image, I can't seem to get it to appear exactly.

Not sure if I'm overthinking this, but I'm trying to learn reading (along with notating) music.

Jim P.

In reply to by jkpalmer52

The only reason I was able to guess this is because I know that a 4/4 time signature has the beaming set to 2 groups of 4 and if you showed the results I could guess the difference.

I do suggest that you download the PDF of the manual and read it once. It'll help you understand some of the capabilities and help you learn the terminology. It did wonders for me.

In reply to by jkpalmer52

It may help your learning experience to flick through the handbook once from front to back to see what "things" there are in musical notation, what they are called and that MuseScore can deal with them. I wouldn't suggest you try to remember all the commands, just let the existence of some of them sink in so you can go and look for them in the manual when you need to use them.

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