Turn off dynamics

• Dec 13, 2020 - 16:50

How I turn off automatic dynamics (pp,p, f, ff ...) during midi playback? It seems often the dynamics are only coupled to a single voice so not all voices are become a little quieter. Besides, the calculation of the volume seems to be wrong. With p and pp you hear almost nothing of the voice anymore...


Dynamics apply to all voices of whatever staff they are applied to - in MuseScore as well as how human musicians would interpret them. So I am not sure why you'd want to disable this. If your speaker isn't turned up loud enough to hear the quieter passages, just turn the speaker up :-). But you can also customize the volume of each dynamic via the Inspector. so if you prefer some particular "pp" to be louder, just increase the velocity there.

In reply to by Lebostein

Could be, then, that explicitly velocity overrides were specifically applied to those notes, also in the Inspector. Remove that to get the dynamics to apply. This happens by default on MIDI import, for example, so it is often advisable to remove it for all notes at once immediately - Ctrl+A to select all, then press Notes in the Inspector, then reset the velocity fields.

If you need further assistance, please attach the score you are having trouble with so we can understand and advise better.

In reply to by Lebostein

It seems the import it treating this as two separate instruments of one staff each rather than a single instrument with two staves. Thus, the dynamic - which is attached to the bottom instrument - is affecting that staff only.,

The quick workaround to get playback more as you'd expect for this score for now is to set the "Dynamic range" to "System" instead of "Part", then you'll hear the them apply to both staves. But probably, you want to fix the score to really read as a single instrument. If you can change something on the Cpaella side, that's probably best, but if that's no possible, you can add a staff to one of the two existing instruments and copy the contents of the other onto it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

One instrument for the whole system is not what I need. Actually I would need a separate instrument for each staff and each voice:
Staff 1, Voice 1: Trumpet B
Staff 1, Voice 2: Trumpet B
Staff 2, Voice 1: Trombone
Staff 2, Voice 2: Tuba
But after the import I can only coose one instrument per staff...

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

By the way: why you need dynamics if you compose and if you want to check harmonies an so on? Dynamics is a thing for the interpretation and performance, but not for composing... If I want to hear the harmonies and chords in a clean way than switching of the dynamics temporary is a helpful thing....

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