Automatic rests

• Dec 15, 2020 - 20:11

The software keeps adding rests automatically. I get that the software intelligence is trying to keep time, but i can add 40 quarter notes in a measure and those rests are still there and can't be deleted. thank you.


Adding rests shouldn't really happen.
What will happen is respelling the remaining duration of the silence for which you've replaced part of it with sound.

Or perhaps you're not using voice 1 to input your notes on each staff by default, which would indeed leave those full measure rests visible. The solution then is to swap what is already entered so that you're using voice1 as the first voice on every staff.

In reply to by jeetee

Adding 40 quarter notes in a measure? It seems like you are in insert note input mode rather than step time which enforces measure lengths in accordance with the time signature. If you click on the drop down on the note input toolbar button you can choose between the different note input modes.

In reply to by bogosianjohn

Insert (not input) mode doesn't insert rests automatically either, it inserts what you write, timewise. So it leaves whatever is already notated in the measure unchanged (be it rests or notes) and inserts whatever you notate (be it rests/notes) inbetween at the position you chose, lengthening the measure by that duration.

Now if you have multiple instruments within a system, that means that indeed because you're inserting time, the inserted duration has to be represented for them somehow. Since you're not inserting sound for those instruments at that moment, what is happening for them is that they get "silence". And the way to notate silence in music is by showing a rest symbol of that duration.

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