Crashing in Musescore 3.6

• Jan 25, 2021 - 18:38


I recently download the 3.6 update and although it opened one or two scores in the beginning, after I tried to open a specific score, the program instread crashed. Ever since that first time, whenever I try to open any of my scores (created in 3.5.2), the program crashes. I know it isn't a problem with the files itself as I reinstalled 2.5.2 and they open fine there.

Now it happens with all of my scores as well no matter how many times I uninstall and reinstall 2.6 which is why I decided to come ask for help. Would anyone happen to know what I should do to fix it?

Just in case it matters, I've added the very score that it crashed after first

Attachment Size
God_Rest_Ye_Merry_Gentlemen.mscz 35.59 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

No luck. however, by following the link you provided I saw a post that said something about not saving scores in continuous view. Considering I I exclusively add notes in that mode, I'll check to see if changing it will help.

(Also interestingly enough, the file you uploaded opened without a problem)

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