Transposing exercises chromatically with no measure, no time signature and no key signature

• Feb 5, 2021 - 17:13

Hello, I am fairly new to musescore. I am trying to do something that musescore seems unable to accomplish. I have made many searches and keep running up against the same barriers.

I want to transpose melody exercises and riffs chromatically to all 12 keys. These are open-ended and do not depend on a time signature. Sharps and flats are all accidentals and do not depend on a key signature.

I have setup 16/4 measures which more or less eliminates the time issue, I can write quarter-notes and just leave a rest at the end.

But the transposing continues to recognize an earlier sharp or flat "in the measure" and I have to go through each transposed line note by note to get the accidentals notated correctly. It is do-able but borderline not worth the effort.

Is there a way out of this or do I have to find another program? I have downloaded and tried any number of other notation programs, but the learning curve on each is staggering, none of them is intiutive. I am looking for a simple answer if it exists.

To repeat: No key signature, No time signature, No measures, Accidentals notated for every note. If possible.

Thank you

Attachment Size
blues_riffs_10112.mscz 11.7 KB


Via right click on the staff->staff/part properties... you can deselect it to show key signature and other elements.
Then notate the prhase, select it several times, copy and paste it and transpose it (tools->tranpose...) by interval. Or do I miss something?

Note: you also can select a range and use the tool "respell pitches".

In reply to by kuwitt

Thanks Kuwitt, same problem, attached file third line does not show flat notation for the second g flat or the second e flat, they are regarded as in the same measure. My next attempt will be to try 1/4 time signatures, a single quarter note per measure, hide the measures and see if that works.

I tried respell pitches, it changed from flat to sharp but still did not repeat the notation within the measure.

Appreciate the suggestions.

Attachment Size
blues_riffs_10112B.mscz 10.4 KB
  1. Update your version (you're at 3.4.2; MuseScore is at 3.6.1 with 3.6.2 around the corner)
  2. Right-click the staff, choose "Staff/Part properties" and uncheck "show time signature"
  3. Select the remaining rest in your measure and Ctrl-Del them. Or use a 10/4 time signature.
  4. Perform all your transpositions
  5. Use the Courtesy Accidentals Plugin configure it to "all notes"

Thanks to those who commented. I did download the latest version, everything broke, had to uninstall and re-install. Add courtesy accidentals did not add accidental notation within a measure. What finally worked:

1) adjust page spacing to allow 12 staffs per page
2) set time signature to 1/4, which forces quarter note accidentals to be displayed, without naturals
3) set 10 measures per line, in this case, for a 10 note riff
3) notate the riff, copy and paste to all lines
4) transpose
5) right click >> staff/part properties >> hide time signature and hide bar lines

When exported to pdf, looks totally natural.

Thanks again, the community support makes this a great program.
Cheers, Mike

Attachment Size
blues_riffs_10112C.mscz 16.14 KB

In reply to by mwpclark

The plugin definitely worked and showed accidentals on all notes as asked from it.

What I entirely didn't get from your question is that you explicitly don't want to see naturals but only all other types of accidentals. As that is entirely non-standard usage of accidental display that is indeed a bit more work to make that happen and your single-note-measures are a nice workaround for that.

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