Incipit staves
Can anyone tell me how to create incipit staves for early music. Ideally I would like to use numes, but if these are not available I will use stemless notes. I'm not expecting to be able to playback the incipit line, but would like to be able to format it separate from the main body of music. Many thanks in advance.
Depending on how exactly you want it to look, it sounds like you might want a horizontal frame to separate the initial measure from the rest - see the Handbook under Frames. If that doesn't quite do what you are looking for, feel free to post an example of how you'd like it to look. I've seen incipits notated different ways, so I'm not sure exactly which you'd be trying to emulate.
suggestions for a workaround:
change by palette the notehead to diamonds and make steams invisible.
create a separate piece for the incipit staves, save this file as png-file, insert in the main piece of sheet music a horizontal frame and load the png-file inside (play with scale to frame size).
(see attached file)
I'm not familiar with inicipit staves an don't know whether I understood your question correct - is it useful?
Btw this is also interesting for you beside of your request:
(Another way) In Lilypond there seems to be a possibility for your request:…
( but therefore in musescore 2.0.2 seems to be it neccesary the export as xml file and convert it to an ly-file.
Other (easier) suggestions are welcome ;-).
In reply to suggestions for a by kuwitt
After reading Marcs reply it is easier to insert a horizontal frame before the the measure of the main body to separate the two parts than my complicated workaround whith inserting of a picture ;-)
I had the same problem, but finally I can.
But I have one problem:
I need not to put claudator for the incipid, but if I remove it it disappears in the other systems.
In reply to I had the same problem, but… by CBTarpa
I'm not sure what "claudator" refers to, but in any case, best to attach your score and describe in more detail what you are trying to do. Then we can understand and assist better.
In reply to I'm not sure what "claudator… by Marc Sabatella
claudator = square bracket?
In reply to I'm not sure what "claudator… by Marc Sabatella
Just noticed: If I'm not wrong, with MuseScore 2.3.2 it was possible to deselect for a single bracket "visible", with MuseScore 3.6.2 it doesn't seem to work anymore.
In reply to Just noticed: If I'm not… by kuwitt
Horizontal Frame +Image?
(and stacking order as much as needed)
In reply to Horizontal Frame +Image? … by Shoichi
That's proably the workaround with the latest MuseScore version: adding a white filled square. I believe with MuseScore 2.3.2 it was quite easier: selecting the single bracket of the incipit and pressing "v".
Not sure, if it's by design or if it's a reggression, if there already exists a bug report or a suggestion.
In reply to Just noticed: If I'm not… by kuwitt
It only "kind of: worked before - that sort of info doesn't really survive layout changes that alter the assignment of measures to systems. So in general it's better to find other methods.
In MuseScore 3, for instance, there is new option to control bracketing defaults for single-staff groups, so MuseScore can do what want by automatically in most cases. If you attach a score with a specific example and explain what you'd like to see different, we can assist better - or see if there is some option that would yet need to be added to handed that case.
Yes, I meant bracket.
I want the incipit like the photo, the bracket after the incipit.
Sorry for the language, I translate from Spanish.
In reply to Yes, I meant bracket. I want… by CBTarpa
Probably best to simply insert the incipit as an image.
In reply to Probably best to simply… by Marc Sabatella
In my opinion it would be nice, if MuseScore could handle such case better in a future version. I played a little bit around with an mscx file by using a text editor, and it seems, "< visible > 0< /visible >" works with a lot of elements, but I didn't figure it out to add it to a bracket (but I'm not a professional with such stuff ;-) .
In reply to Yes, I meant bracket. I want… by CBTarpa
@CBTarpa, added Frame, then image (to be redone) then text. Can this work?
In reply to @CBTarpa, added Frame, then… by Shoichi
I don’t want put a image, the quality it’s not the same. Just now I can do that: photo.
But I don’t want the bracket in the incipit, only after.
In reply to I don’t want put a image,… by CBTarpa
What makes you think the quality wouldn't be the same? Should be precisely as good, pixel for pixel.
So, I took a stab at making some incipits in Musescore today. I've attached my score file and a PDF of my ideal version from Lilypond.
The placement with the horizontal frame works pretty well. Some things that are lacking or that I can't figure out:
1. obviously the symbols are all modern. They could be inserted from Bravura, but that would be with all manual positioning, so not great. The worst are the whole and half rests.
2. can't add barlines to the continuo part because it was disrupt anything longer than a breve like the longa rest in the B1 part.
3. spacing is way too wide, can't decrease stretch anymore
4. spacing of rhythmic values should not be aligned (longa rest would ideally take up same horizontal space as a breve rest, for example)
5. can't delete the bracket, as others have said
If there's a way to do this better in Musescore, I'd love to hear it!
In reply to So, I took a stab at making… by jonarnold
Add image?
In reply to Add image? by Shoichi
Thanks. That's not an acceptable solution for me- too pixelated, staves don't line up. I could insert an SVG to address the quality, but I would have to be able to insert multiple images to make all of the staves line up.
In reply to So, I took a stab at making… by jonarnold
I was able to get a more accurate end result using Bravura symbols, but they're all manually positioned. I could align similar symbols with the same X-offset, but some of them have different anchor points, which is strange. Also, some symbols are too big like the mensuration sign. The bracket is still there. FYI, in this file the clef visibility is not saving for some reason, but I've included an image.
In reply to I was able to get a more… by jonarnold
I do like your solution. Just a quick question, could you point me where I can find instruction on the manual entry of the music symbols for the incipit? and how you select the font for them?
In reply to I do like your solution… by ENMusicPublisher
Other symbols can be found in the Master palette ( in the "Symbols" section ( There are 13 subsections related to early music: "Medieval and Renaissance articulations", "Medieval and Renaissance clefs" etc.
In reply to So, I took a stab at making… by jonarnold
The width of your first measure is partially caused by the many unmerged hidden rests; so here's a version with that corrected.
Used the inspector to change the noteheads to "mi" and "alt brevis" as I find the normal diamond heads too small for reproduction purposes.
Then (after indeed reducing that measure's stretch to 0) I've adjusted some leading space segment values (again, inspector) to further try and squeeze it down a bit more.
I've also opened up the time signature properties for the 2nd measure for each staff and there selected the wanted text symbol for the 4/2 signature (which you may not want if you're bringing the score up to date to current standards).
Finally I've also added a(n invisible) volta to the first measure but gave it repeatlist 0 so it is always skipped on playback.
In reply to The width of your first… by jeetee
Wow, that looks a lot better. Seems like the leading space tweaking is very finicky- I wish there were an easier way. Thanks for working on this and sharing! I also didn't realize I could attach a barline to a note like you did.
In reply to Wow, that looks a lot better… by jonarnold
Yeah, there's some weirdness if with leading space that if you make it too large a negative value it results in expanding sizes again; which to me feels like a bug.
The most size reduction came from merging the rests though.
In reply to So, I took a stab at making… by jonarnold
Sorry for being late, but how did you manage to have the bracket at the beginning of the piece itself and not the incipit?
In reply to So, I took a stab at making… by jonarnold
Sorry for being late, but how did you manage to have the bracket at the beginning of the piece itself and not the incipit?