V3.6.2, Play panel (F11) hotkey does not work on MacBook Pro, MacOS Mojave (10.14.6)

• Feb 15, 2021 - 16:24

Am I missing something?

F11 (fn F11) keyboard sequence doe not display Play Panel. All other hotkey (F6, F9, F10, F12) work except for F11. F11 displays desktop which is the MacOS behaviour.

Is this a known issue?

Is there a workaround?



In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks for that. I did a search before posting but nothing came up for F11. Apologies for the repeat.

Odd behaviour with the Mac OS. F12 was working as expected (TimeLine) even though the OS similarly had reserved it for "Show Dashboard". I was curious why it worked for F12 and not F11 but when I manually brought up the Dashboard, F12 no longer brings up the Timeline when in MuseScore and instead brings up the Dashboard. Some sort of software switch go enabled somewhere. I don't use either of these shortcut keys so I've disabled them but curious behaviour all the same.


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