Can MuseScore convert just a few notes of one voice on a measure, to another?

• Feb 16, 2021 - 16:01

Hi again. In working with a MIDI file converted into MuseScore, I am encountering some notes that the conversion put into voice 2 or 3, but the rest of the notes on the same measure are in voice 1. Here is an example:

Screenshot 2021-02-16 105334.png

The "D" octave notes in the bass clef of measure 33, were put into MuseScore as voice 3, but all the rest of the notes in the measure are in voice 1. I want to make all notes in the measure the same voice. When I just click on the D octave and try to "exchange it with voice 1", it does so, but MuseScore also grabs all voice 1 notes on the stave and converts them to voice 3, which does me no good. I can delete the D octave, click on the rest for voice 1 and reenter the notes manually, but is there a way to click on just a few notes in a measure, and move them to a different voice?


The only way you can make them fit into voice 1 is if you make them eighth-notes instead of a dotted whole-note. This will make them replace that initial eighth-note-rest of voice 1 at the beginning of the measure. Otherwise they will not fit in voice 1.

As always, it's easier to assist from an actual score instead of a picture. "Exchange" does what it says - exchanges, doesn't simply move. To move notes, select them and press the button on the toolbar for the desired voice. It works if that voice is currently empty. This is among the things we can't tell from only a picture.

However, there is no way that LH part can be in one voice, it's not musically possible. If you want a D to continue for the whole measure but then also have a sixteenth note start before that D finishes, this is the very definition of what multiple voices are for. Musical notation doesn't provide any other way, it's the whole reason multiple voices are a thing. Only question might be which two voices to chose - I would have chosen 2 instead 3. But 1 is out of the question unless those sixteenths move to another voice.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Son-of-a-gun! It worked! I was able to move voice 3 notes to voice 1 simply by clicking them and pressing "1" on the voice toolbar. THANKS!!!!

I totally agree that the D octave should not be a whole dotted note, if I want them on the same voice. In actual play, the pianist is not holding them as written. I will change it. They are showing voice 3 because this was a MIDI file, converted to a MuseScore. Thanks Marc.

Sorry for confusion, but regarding what I post, this score is 9 pages long, with 55 measures. If I am discussing only 1 example bar, do you really want me to post the entire score every time I have a question about a few notes? I could do so, but then I would still have to paste a screenshot of the particular measure I am discussing, would I not?

In reply to by fsgregs

To be clear: I never said the D who not be a dotted whole note. Quite the contrary - it almost certainly should be, logically. Even if the pianist doesn't physically leave his fingers there, presumably he is using the pedal and that is doing the sustain for him. Logically, a person reading the score needs to understand that the note is meant to sound for the duration of the measure. And again this is precisely why multiple voices were invented centuries ago.

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