Musescore quitting unexpectedly losing my score

• Mar 1, 2021 - 08:26

I am using musescore 3 on an apple mac High Sierra operating system. On converting my score to a Pdf musescore quit unexpectedly without a" restore last session box" I have not been able to find my score anywhere on my lap top, is it gone for good ?


You mean MuseScore crashes on File > Export > PDF, or File > Print > [some PDF printer]? Neither would touch the score at all, so it's still be where it was before the crash. Provided you saved it, that is.

In reply to by Christamara

If you pressed save, it is absolutely positively without doubt still there in the exact same folder you specified when you first saved it, and with the exact same filename. Under no circumstances does MuseScore ever delete your files. So the question is, what folder did you save it to, and what filename did you give it?

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