Fill coloured staves

• Feb 10, 2021 - 09:41

When creating works it would be helpful to be able to label a section of a work by using filled in coloured staves. Does a feature like this exist in Musescore. If not, would it be easy to put in?

This could also be used for checking scores. For example - a yellow or amber score could mean "OK - but not quite ready", while a green score could mean "now checked and ready to print".

Obviously the colours would eventually be suppressed, though could be left as hidden attributes.


I just found that I could colour notes, which might sometimes be helpful. There is also an option to colour the staves, but I didnt' find out how to just colour one section.

Actually although colour might be helpful, it's not absolutely essential. What I'd really like would be the ability to select a section - say two to four bars - though it doesn't have to be a whole number of bars, and then effectively label it. I don't want the start to be labelled - it's not a navigation point - but rather the whole section.

This might be labelled as Theme, or Fragment 1 etc. Then if I'm writing I'd like to be able to just grab the section for Theme or any fragment or motif, and incorporate that in another part of the score. Also the fragments or sections might overlap - so in reuse terms one would want to have multiple labellings.

For example, one theme might have a two bar extension, but one would not necessarily always want to have the two extra bars, so there should be two labellings - say "Theme" and "Theme+2". There could be more than two labellings of a section - with indeed multiple overlaps.

Maybe there is already something like this in Musescore, but I've not found it yet. If this were combined with some transformations, this could be really useful. MS currently supports transposition, and double and half duration, but it would also be useful to have Inversion and Retrograde as operations to apply to sections.

Currently one has to find other ways to do some of the transformations which might be useful.

I just found that I could colour notes, which might sometimes be helpful. There is also an option to colour the staves, but I didnt' find out how to just colour one section.

Actually although colour might be helpful, it's not absolutely essential. What I'd really like would be the ability to select a section - say two to four bars - though it doesn't have to be a whole number of bars, and then effectively label it. I don't want the start to be labelled - it's not a navigation point - but rather the whole section.

This might be labelled as Theme, or Fragment 1 etc. Then if I'm writing I'd like to be able to just grab the section for Theme or any fragment or motif, and incorporate that in another part of the score. Also the fragments or sections might overlap - so in reuse terms one would want to have multiple labellings.

For example, one theme might have a two bar extension, but one would not necessarily always want to have the two extra bars, so there should be two labellings - say "Theme" and "Theme+2". There could be more than two labellings of a section - with indeed multiple overlaps.

Maybe there is already something like this in Musescore, but I've not found it yet. If this were combined with some transformations, this could be really useful. MS currently supports transposition, and double and half duration, but it would also be useful to have Inversion and Retrograde as operations to apply to sections.

Currently one has to find other ways to do some of the transformations which might be useful.

I seem to have created two versions of this reply - how can I delete a comment?

In reply to by dave2020X

There are, or have been at various times, plugins for inversion and for retrograde.

it's not totally clear what kind of coloring you want, but one pretty easy method is to use a 4 sp wide line, colored translucent. It's obviously not a feature specifically meant for the very particular use case you have in mind, but it should work.

No way to delete messages, but if you catch it soon enough, you can edit it and delete the content, perhaps replacing it with (duplicated deleted) so people looking at it later understand what happened.

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